On this page:
13.1 Code and Data
13.1.1 S-expressions
13.1.2 Code as Data
13.2 Pattern-based Macros
13.2.1 Avoiding Code Repetition
13.2.2 Abbreviating Coding Patterns
13.2.3 Extending Language Syntax
13.2.4 The Use or Abuse of Macros

13 Pattern Macroing

So far, you have "penned your thoughts within nests of parentheses", and perhaps Lots of Irritating Superflous Parentheses "We toast the Lisp programmer who pens his thoughts within nests of parentheses.", Alan J. Perlis, Foreword of Structure and Interpretations of Computer Programs.

"Lots of Irritating Superflous Parentheses", a wild nickname for LISP which actually abbreviates LISt Processing, The Jargon File-LISP
. The essense of the Racket syntax is that every compound expression should be enclosed by a pair of parentheses ( ). Not many people have a sense of the simplicity of this uniform syntax. In one way, the syntax indeed looks confusing. Not everything appearing in the operator position is a function. Instead it may be one of the so-called syntactic keywords, such as lambda, if, let, cond, and, or, and so on. Moreover, it seems some identifiers like and and or should designate functions but somehow do not. All these mysteries will be dispelled in this lecture. In particular, we will introduce to you another abstraction mechanism, macros. In contrast to functions which abstract over computations, macros abstract over code that describes some computations. This new abstraction mechanism allows us to avoid code repetition, to abbreviate common coding patterns
Be aware that "pattern" here has little to with data structures. If it does with any structure, then say, code structure.
, and to extend the language with customized (but compatible) syntax. All these possibilities make the language and eventually ourselves more expressive, since we can write less but say more. Unfortunately, those people who failed to sense the simplicity of the uniform syntax usually cannot also appreciate the power of macros. In a large degree, the extremely regular syntax facilitates the work of macros, that is, manipulating code, though as data.

13.1 Code and Data

A program is composed of code and data. Code expresses how to compute. Data expresses what to compute. For example, code (define (inc x) (+ x 1)) expresses a function definition, and (inc 2) expresses a function application; data 3 expresses a number, and (list 1 2 3) expresses a list of three numbers. Racket, as with other Lisp-family languages, are expressions-oriented. Thus both code and data are expressions. Many languages maintain a clear distinction between code and data in syntax. Racket, and its Lisp relatives, blur the boundaries between the two so that all expressions are written in a uniform syntax. Expressions "in this uniform" are called s-expressions.

13.1.1 S-expressions

The name "s-expression" stands for symbolic expression for some historical reasons. It was invented in the birth of the Lisp programming language. Originally it was used only as a notation for data. Later it was also adopted for code. Since then, the Lisp-family languages maintain this tradition of using the same notation for both code and data. An s-expression is defined inductively (or recursively) as

  1. a literal: true, false, 0, 1, 0.618, 3.14, "hello", "world", ..., or

  2. an identifier: define, if, struct, +, empty, cons, posn, posn-x, double, iamavariable, ..., or

  3. the terminator: (), or

  4. a juxtaposition of two s-expressions, enclosed by parentheses ( ) and separated by a dot .: (0 . false), (1 . (2 . 3)), ((1 . 2) . 3), (+ . (1 . (2 . 3))), (* (+ 1 2) (- 5 1)), ...

The first three forms of s-expressions are said to be atomic, the last form be compound. This compound form of s-expression is traditionally called a pair. But to not confuse with the pair data structure, we will called it s-pair. Note that in an s-pair, the dot . is non-assocciative. Thus (1 . (2 . 3)) and ((1 . 2) . 3) are different s-expressions. It turns out that if we stick to the dotted notation, we will soon be overwhelmed by the dots and parentheses. To overcome this verbosity, a right-deviating abbreviation for the dotted notation is allowed, for example, (1 . (2 . 3)) can be abbreviated as (1 2 . 3), and similarly (+ . (1 . (2 . 3))) as (+ 1 2 . 3), (* . ((+ . (1 . (2 . ()))) . ((- . (5 . (1 . ()))) . ()))) as (* (+ 1 2 . ()) (- 5 1 . ()) . ()). This last example shows that we can build very complex s-expressions by nesting. In particular, if the rightmost element of such a nesting, in other words the most deeply nested element, is (), () itself and the dot . preceeding it can be completely omitted, so the last example can be further abbreviated as simply (* (+ 1 2) (- 5 1)). This maximally abbreviated form of s-expression is traditionally called list. But to not confuse with the list data structure, we will call it s-list. () is used as an end marker, terminating an s-list, thus its name. Traditionally it is called nil or NIL. s-lists are what we write most. Actually, if you type directly in a Racket interactive session any of these s-expressions invovling dots and parentheses you have seen so far, except (* . ((+ . (1 . (2 . ()))) . ((- . (5 . (1 . ()))) . ()))), (* (+ 1 2 . ()) (- 5 1 . ()) . ()) and (* (+ 1 2) (- 5 1)), and ask Racket to evaluate it, you will surprisingly get a syntax error.

> (1    2 . 3)

eval:1:0: application: bad syntax in: (1 2 . 3)

> ((1 . 2) . 3)

eval:2:0: application: bad syntax in: ((1 . 2) . 3)

> (+ 1 2 . 3)

eval:3:0: application: bad syntax in: (+ 1 2 . 3)

> (*    (+     1    2)           (-    5    1))


> (* (+ 1 2)      (- 5 1))


> (* (+ 1 2) (- 5 1))


It suggests that Racket accepts only a subset of compound s-expressions, namely, those that always end up with the terminator () in the deepest position of a nesting. They form one part of the syntax of Racket expressions. Those atomic s-expressions, except () form the other part. The status of () is rather embarrassing. On one hand, it enables further abbreviation of notation. On the other hand, it is not accepted as a valid Racket expression.

> ()

#%app: missing procedure expression; probably originally

(), which is an illegal empty application in: (#%app)

Now you see no matter it is code like (define (inc x) (+ x 1)) and (inc 2), or data like 3 and (list 1 2 3), both code and data are written in a uniform syntax, that is, an abbreviated s-expresssion syntax. Should this uniformity only lie on the surface syntax, it would be rather shallow. Nevertheless it turns out that this seeming superficial uniformity is actually a reflection of that inside the language processor. It is this latter uniformity that enables code to be manipulated as data.

13.1.2 Code as Data

A language processor does not directly manipulate code and data, i.e., expressions. We, programmers do—we type in them, delete them, copy and paste them in our favorite text editors. Instead, a language processor manipulates the internalization of code and data. Thus code and data must first be internalized. Internalization is usually done by a reader or parser.

We mentioned earlier that in Lisp-family languages, code and data are in the s-expression uniform. One even special feature of these languages is that after internalization, code and data are still in uniform, no longer of s-expression but with almost isomorphic structure. More precisely, code resides in the language processor in the form of the internalization of one primitive data. This primitive data are supported by all Lisp-family languages. It represents a pair. A pair is internalized as two cons-cells, with each cell holding one component of the pair. The name comes from cons, the primitive operation to construct a pair. The other two primitive operations are car and cdr. car and cdr are historical names. They are accessor functions that extract respectively the first and second component of a pair.

> (cons 1 (cons 2 3))

'(1 2 . 3)

> (car (cons 1 (cons 2 3)))


> (cdr (cons 1 (cons 2 3)))

'(2 . 3)

Thus code are internalized as cons-cells, in fact, cons-cells ended by the internalization of the terminator (). cons-cells of this kind is actually the internalization of data that represents a list. Nevertheless, code is code, it expresses some computation. When Racket sees code, it will always try to perform the computation the code describes, and deliver the result of the computation back to you.

> (+ 1 2 3)


> (list (+ 0 1) (+ 1 1) (+ 1 2))

'(1 2 3)

You see when you write an expression like these, Racket see them as code. Note in the second example, what you get as result is indeed data (representing a list of 1, 2 and 3), but the expression you type in, (list (+ 0 1) (+ 1 1) (+ 1 2)), contains sub-expressions ((+ 0 1), (+ 1 1), (+ 1 2)) that describe computation. That means the whole expression is still code, not data, because pure data should not contain any sub-expression that describe any computation, such as 1, "hi", etc. Racket, more precisely, the reader, expects all compound s-expressions as code. This is why you get error when you type in something like (+ 1 2 . 3) because the reader cannot internalize it. It is not in valid code syntax, that is, it does not end with the terminator ().

What if we just want to get (+ 1 2 3) or (list (+ 0 1) (+ 1 1) (+ 1 2)) as (resulting) data? A first attempt is

> (list + 1 2 3)

'(#<procedure:+> 1 2 3)

> (list (list + 0 1) (list + 1 1) (list + 1 2))

'((#<procedure:+> 0 1) (#<procedure:+> 1 1) (#<procedure:+> 1 2))

We are one step closer, but the results are still not what we want. We want the symbol + in place but it still gets evaluated,\footnote{Actually so do 0, 1, 2. Since they evaluate to themselves, they remain the same in the result. But be aware something still happens behind the scene.} #<procedure:+> representing its value. What we need is a mechanism to mention some code to Racket, so that it understands that it should not evaluate the internalization of this piece of code. We meet this situation fairly often in our writing. When writing an article, we often needs to mention a word, a phrase or a sentence, so that our reader know that we are talking about the word, phrase or sentence itself, instead of what it expresses. What do we dd? We quote it! For example, the sentence— "Get out of here!" is a rude expression—quotes the rude expression we are talking about. When you read this sentence, you know that you are not asked to get out of here, but told that "get out of here!" is a rude expression. Inspired by this mechanism we employ in writing, the inventor of Lisp introduced an operator called quote. Using quote we can tell Racket not to evaluate the quoted code, for example, (quote (+ 1 2 3)), (quote (list (+ 0 1) (+ 1 1) (+ 1 2))). Racket also provides a shorthand for quote, instead of (quote (+ 1 2 3)), you can write '(+ 1 2 3), that is, you just put a single quotation mark ' before the code you want to quote. Be aware that there is no more ' after the code you quote.

In addition to quoting code, you can also quote other data.

> '1


> '"hi"


The outcome suggests that quote has no effect on literals. Racket simply return the quoted literal as is, and no prefixing '.

Furthermore, you can also quote identifiers and s-pairs. In otherwords, you can quote any s-expression.

> 'x


> 'lambda


> '()


> '(+ 1 2 . 3)

'(+ 1 2 . 3)

> '(+ 1 2 3)

'(+ 1 2 3)

A quoted identifier represents a symbol. A quoted s-pair represents a pair and a quoted s-list represents a list, so '(+ 1 2 . 3) is equivalent to (cons '+ (cons '1 (cons '2 '3))), '(+ 1 2 3) equivalent to (list '+ '1 '2 '3) and also to (cons '+ (cons '1 (cons '2 (cons '3 '())))).

So quote provides a fast way to construct instances of pairs and lists. These instances can be used as usual.

> (car '(1 2 . 3))


> (cdr '(1 2 . 3))

'(2 . 3)

> (first '(+ 1 2 3))


> (rest '(+ 1 2 3))

'(1 2 3)

If quote is only used for this purpose, you are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. Recall that quote is introduced because we want to have quoted code treated as data. But what is this good for? The answer is with it, we can write code that manipulates code. Its meaning is well illustrated by the following example.

; parse : sexp -> aexp
; parses an s-expression to an arithmetic expression
(define (parse sexp)
  (match sexp
    [(list '+ x y) (make-add (parse x) (parse y))]
    [(list '- x y) (make-sub (parse x) (parse y))]
    [(list '* x y) (make-mul (parse x) (parse y))]
    [(list '/ x y) (make-div (parse x) (parse y))]
    [_ (if (number? sexp)
           (lit sexp)
           (error "Invalid syntax: " sexp))]))
; reduce : aexp -> aexp
; reduces an arithmetic expression in one step
(define (reduce aexp)
  (match aexp
    [(struct add (lhs rhs)) (reduce-op make-add + lhs rhs)]
    [(struct sub (lhs rhs)) (reduce-op make-sub - lhs rhs)]
    [(struct mul (lhs rhs)) (reduce-op make-mul * lhs rhs)]
    [(struct div (lhs rhs)) (reduce-op make-div / lhs rhs)]))
; evaluate : aexp -> number
; evaluates an arithmetic expression to a number
(define (evaluate aexp)
  (match aexp
    [(struct lit (n)) n]
    [_ (evaluate (reduce aexp))]))

Both reduce and evaluate together are responsible for arithmetic expression evaluations. But with them only, whenever we want to evaluate an arithmetic expression, we have to type something like (evaluate (make-mul (make-add (make-lit 1) (make-lit 2)) (make-mul (make-lit 5) (make-lit 3)))). This is just too much. Life becomes simpler with the parse function. Essentially, it makes an arithmetic expression from an s-expression. So that we can first feed a quoted s-expression to parse, and let parse build the corresponding arithmetic expression, then feed this arithmetic expression to evaluate. In other words, we compose evaluate and parse. For example, we can now write (evaluate (parse '(* (+ 1 2) (- 5 3)))) which is way much simpler. Note the quoted s-expression (* (+ 1 2) (- 5 3)) is itself valid Racket code. If we do not quote it, Racket will evaluate it to 6. Quoting it turns it to data. We say (Racket) functions like parse manipulate (Racket) code as (Racket) data.

Yet this still does not reach far enough. The inital and ultimate purpose of the existence of quote, and in turn this "code as data" magic is to allow one to write an interpreter in Racket for Racket, so called self-interpreter. Below is the parse and reduce function from islinterpreterwostructs.rkt in previous lectures, refactored to use pattern matching instead.

; parse : sexp -> Exp
; parses an s-expression to an abstract syntax tree
(define (parse sexp)
  (match sexp
    [(list 'lambda args body) (make-lam args (parse body))]
    [(list 'define name e) (make-var-def name (parse e))]
    [(list 'local defs e) (make-locl (map parse defs) (parse e))]
    [(list 'cond (list test body) ...)
     (make-cnd (map make-cnd-clause test body))]
    [(list rator rand ...) (make-app (parse rator) (map parse rand))]
    [_ (if (symbol? sexp)
           (make-var sexp)
           (make-primval sexp))]))
; reduce : Exp Env -> Exp
; reduces an expression in an environment
(define (reduce e env)
  (match e
    [(struct app (fun args)) (reduce-app fun args env)]
    [(struct lam (args body)) (make-closure args body env)]
    [(struct var (x)) (lookup-env env x)]
    [(struct locl (defs e)) (reduce-local defs e env)]
    [(struct cnd (list (struct cnd-clause (c e)) clauses ...))
     (reduce-cond c e clauses env)]
    [_ (error "Cannot reduce: " e)]))

Although the interpreted language is just a subset of Racket, it illustrates how quote and "code as data" has rendered the language self-contained. Not many languages have this feature. It is one part that makes Lisp-family languages unique. The other part is their powerful macro systems.

13.2 Pattern-based Macros

Lisp-family languages are well known for their powerful macro systems. Similar to functions, macros are also abstractions. While functions abstract over run-time computations, macros abstract over compile-time code. This new dimention of abstraction provides us a new perspective to view what we code and how we code. Do we repeat some piece of code too many times? Do we keep applying some coding patterns? Do we sometimes find the need of one specific piece of syntax that is unfortunately unavailable but could express our ideas more naturally? Refecting for a while, we will probably answer "yes" to almost all these questions. Then the natural question is this: can we do something to improve the situation? The answer is also "yes". This is exactly where macros come into play. With macros, typical code repetitions can be avoided; common coding patterns can be abbreviated; specific (but compatible It will become clear soon what "compatible" means.) can be invented. In a word, macros can ease our work.

A traditional Lisp macro takes as inputs s-expressions and produce as ouput an s-expression which is supposed to be valid code. Note that the input s-expressions do not have to be quoted, even if they are code. A macro does not distinguish code and data at all. From its point of view, they are both s-expressions and that is all it cares about. On the other hand, since macros are often defined to accept code as input and produce code as output, macros are also called code transformers. Due to this transformation property, writing macros is also considered as a form of programming, called macro programming, or simply macroing. This is why some Lisp programmers describe macro programming as "writing programs that write programs". Nevertheless traditional Lisp macro systems lack both high-level abstractions to manipulate s-expressions and automatic mechanisms to resolve name capturing. Name capturing occurs when some names in the prduced code by a macro no longer retain their inital binding. The produced code is said to be unhygienic. This makes macro programming in these systems both tedious and error-prone. These two dimentions of complexity make macro programming almost inaccessible to junior, even senior Lisp programmers. To remove these barriers, high-level hygienic macro systems were developped. These systems provide high-level abstractions, namely, patterns and templates, to access and construct s-expressions. More importantly, they also resolve to their greatest extent the name capturing problem under the scene without programmers’ concern, so that the produced code is hygienic. Scheme features this kind of pattern-based macro system. Racket inherits and refines it. In the following subsections, we will explore the three use cases of macros inside Racket’s macro system.

13.2.1 Avoiding Code Repetition

In card.rkt, we try to represent the 52 poker cards using our card-struct. For example, we would like to have the following definition for the card called "Ace of Spades".

(define 🂡 (make-card "A" "♠"))

We use the unicode identifier 🂡 to name the card instance. It is clear that we have to write 51 more such definitions. Even we can copy and paste, it is actually still quite some work. Moreover, all the work is just boring repetition. Let us be explicit what pieces of code will be repeated: for each suit , we have to repeat (define, (make-card, the string represents the suit (one of "♠", "♥", "♦" and "♣"), and )), regardless of spaces; for all suits, we have to repeat strings that represent ranks (one of "A", "2" to "10", "J", "Q" and "K"). Clearly we do not want to do this.

Racket’s macro system can free us from this kindof boring task. For it to work, we give Racket a template that specifies the form of code that should be produced. Then Racket will automatically generate code following the template. Such a template usually contains holes to be fill in. We can label these holes using same or different names accordingly to whether they are supposed to be filled by same or different code pieces. A moment’s thinking suggests that these code pieces cannot be those repeated. So other parts of a template than its holes must have those repeated code pieces. Now a template for our example can be formed.

(begin (define cs (make-card r "♠")) ...
       (define ch (make-card r "♥")) ...
       (define cd (make-card r "♦")) ...
       (define cc (make-card r "♣")) ...)

Since we are going to generate a sequence of top-level definitions, we collect them in a begin expression. The main reason for this is that Racket expects a fully-filled template to be a valid single s-expression, not a sequence of s-expressions. cs, ch, cd, cc and r are names that label the holes. The ellipsis ... indicates that the sub-template preceeding it will be repeated. Now that we have the template, but there still remains the question how should we tell Racket this is a template. Obviously just giving this template to Racket to evaluate will not work. What we are assured is only that after fully-filled, the template will be valide code. Before it gets filled, it is of course not because those names labelling the holes are not bound to anything at all. Also, ellipses are not allowed in expressions that Racket can directly evaluate. What should we do?

Actually when we introduced functions we encountered a similar situation. We have some expression containing some unknowns, for example, (+ x y 1), we wanted to tell Racket we would later fill in the holes in the expression labelled by x and y. What did we do? We define a function that paremeterizes the expression.

(define (f x y)
  (+ x y 1))

We can do similar things for templates. But we cannot use define since it is used to give names to an expression that represents some computation. This is probably the most general description of define. To see that it indeed covers all its uses we have seen so far, simply note that (1) if the named expression actually builds data, it can be considered to represent a trivial computation that simply returns the data as is; (2) a function definition using a function header can always be rewritten in a form that uses define to name a lambda abstraction. Racket provides define-syntax-rule. Using it, we can define a macro that parameterizes a template that represents some code. For example, we can define a macro called make-cards that abstract our example template as follows.

(define-syntax-rule (make-cards (r ...)
                                (cs ...)
                                (ch ...)
                                (cd ...)
                                (cc ...))
  (begin (define cs (make-card r "♠")) ...
         (define ch (make-card r "♥")) ...
         (define cd (make-card r "♦")) ...
         (define cc (make-card r "♣")) ...))

The only thing new is in the macro header (make-cards (r ...) (cs ...) (ch ...) (cd ...) (cc ...)): those names labelling holes in the template are followed by ellipses. They do not look like parameters in function headers. Because they are not. If we say this whole header specifies a pattern, does it remind you of something? Yes, pattern matching, though is no longer on data structures but on code structures. Essentially a macro header specifies the macro’s call pattern. The names that labelling holes in the template are also called pattern variables. Ellipses in the pattern act similarly. But be aware that you must make sure that if a name in the pattern is followed (immediately or not) by some ellipses, exactly the same number of ellipses must follow the name (immediately or not) in the template. Otherwise, you will get an error complaining that ellipses are missing. Check yourself that our macro definition above satisfies this requirement. To see how it could fail, just delete one ellipsis in the pattern or the template to make them not match.

Now we can call this macro in the same way we call a function.

(make-cards ("A" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "J" "Q" "K")
            ( 🂡  🂢  🂣  🂤  🂥  🂦  🂧  🂨  🂩  🂪   🂫  🂭  🂮)
            ( 🂱  🂲  🂳  🂴  🂵  🂶  🂷  🂸  🂹  🂺   🂻  🂽  🂾)
            ( 🃁  🃂  🃃  🃄  🃅  🃆  🃇  🃈  🃉  🃊   🃋  🃍  🃎)
            ( 🃑  🃒  🃓  🃔  🃕  🃖  🃗  🃘  🃙  🃚   🃛  🃝  🃞))

When Racket’s macro processor sees this s-expression, it first decides that its head names a macro, then it tries to match the whole call with the pattern of the macro definition, if it matches successfully, a binding for the pattern variabels will be generated and what they are bound to will be substituted into the template. For our example, the match goes like this: first, the macro name make-cards matches as if it a literal; then the (r ...) matches ("A" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "J" "Q" "K"); similarly for other pattern variables. So the two indeed match perfectly, resulting in a binding in which r is bound to the s-expression ("A" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "J" "Q" "K") and similarly for others. Then the macro processor starts to substitute these s-expressions for these pattern variables. But note that, r in the template will not be substituted for ("A" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "J" "Q" "K"), neither do others due to the ellipses coming after them. We mentioned before an ellipsis in a template indicates repetition of the sub-template preceeding it. But we did not make it explicit how many times the repetition should be. Now we can be clear that the sub-template preceeding an ellipsis will be repeated as many times as the number of elements contained in the s-list bound to the pattern variable, and the pattern variable in the repeated sub-templates will be substituted for elements of the bound s-list in a one-to-one fashion. Note that, if in the pattern there exist several pattern variables followed by ellipses, and two or more of them appear together inside a sub-template followed by ellipses, their bound s-lists must be of the same length. Otherwise, we get an error complaining that their counts do not match. All ellipsis-followed sub-templates in our example contain two ellipsis-followed pattern variables. It is easy to see that the s-lists bound to these pattern variables are indeed of the same length. To see how it could cause an error, try to call make-cards with s-lists of different lengths. Now it should be clear that after all the substitutions are done, we will have a sequence of card definitions inside begin. The process of replacing a macro call with the fully substituted template from the macro definition is called macro expansion.

13.2.2 Abbreviating Coding Patterns

Not all code repetitions are as plain as that is shown in the previous subsection. Sometimes we find that what we are repeating actually appears in a structural form. Programmers notice these kinds of code structures. They call them coding patterns or coding idioms. They collect them into their coding dictionaries and practice using them whenever possible. One day when they become seasoned, they teach these idioms or patterns to their disciples, and so on. This is after all how knowledge is usually conveyed. But it is clear that the recurrence of these coding patterns is definitely a form of repetition. Why should we be forced to repeat them? Why does not the programming language provide some more convenient constructs to ease our coding task? The answer is that language designers cannot predict these coding patterns beforehand. These patterns emerge in our coding practice. The crux of the problem is that the programming language does not provide any or any sophisticated enough way that allows the programmer to abbreviate or abstract over these coding patterns. Lisp-family languages do, via their powerful macro systems. So does Racket.

Let’s first see a simple example, which is an immediate application of a lambda-expression to some arguments, for instance,

((lambda (x y z)
   (* (+ x y) (- x z)))
 (/ 8 4) 6 3)

This coding pattern is useful when we want to avoid repeated computations. In the above example, the varaible x will get bound to the value of (+ 1 2). In the body exrepssion, even though x appears twice, the expression (+ 1 2) will be evaluated only once before entering the body of the lambda-expression. When the expression (* (+ x y) (- x z)) is evaluated, x is already bound to the value 3, no computation is need at all.

It seems this coding pattern is quite handy. It indeed recurs whenver we want to introduce local variable bindings. But it has a drawback. For the simple example above, it is not that obvious. We can still manage to the binding relations between the variables and the arguments. But it will be difficult if the body of the lambda-expression becomes more complex. Then the variables and the arguments will be so far that, we can no longer easily see their binding relations. Therefore, it is reasonable to abstract it away. Let’s start again with the template.

((lambda (var ...) body)
 arg ...)

Now we need to design the macro call pattern, which is its user-interface. Since we want not to separate the variables and arguments far away, we should gather them to one place that is easy to find. Two good choices may be either before or after the body expression. Without loss of generality, we choose the former. If we name the macro with, its header look likes this (with [(var arg) ...] body). Its definition is shown below:

(define-syntax-rule (with [(var arg) ...] body)
  ((lambda (var ...) body)
   arg ...))

Now we can rewrite the simple example using with.

(with [(x (/ 8 4))
       (y 6)
       (z 3)]
  (* (+ x y) (- x z)))

This time, it is clear to the binding relations between the variables and arguments. The benefit will of course be more obvious for larger examples. Racket provide let that can do the same thing and more.

In the example above, the coding pattern is actually quite simple. It just shows one basic usage of macros to abbreviate coding patterns. Macros can also be used to abstract over more complicated coding patterns. One typical example is nested if-else statements found in C-family languages. In programs written in these languages, you can easily find code of the following structure:

if ( ... ) {



else if ( ... ) {




else {



This coding pattern essentially expresses multi-conditional analysis. In Racket, we use cond for that purpose. It proves convenient. But so far you have been told that it is a primitive control construct. cond is indeed provided as a primitive control construct in original Lisp. But it is not in Scheme, neither in Racket. It is actually not. The primitive control construct to form a conditional expression in Racket is if. Now suppose, Racket does not provide cond but only if out of the box, what would happen? Does it mean that you have to, as programmers of other languages do, identify nested if expressions as a coding pattern and fron now on write every multi-conditional expression that way? Fortunately not. Racket allows us to define our own cond as a macro and use it as if it is provided out of box.

To see how cond can be defined as a macro, let’s start again with a template. The template should cover the coding pattern, that is, it may contain nested if sub-templates.

(if test-expr1
    (if test-expr2

Note the above piece is neither valid code nor valid template. We use ??? to indicate that some repetition is needed to complete the template. Since we know that ellipsis ... is used for repetition in a template, a first attempt to build the template may be just replacing ??? with ellipsis ..., parameterizing the pattern variables, and defining a macro like this:

> (define-syntax-rule (condition (test-expr1 then-expr1)
                                 (test-expr2 then-expr2) ...)
    (if test-expr1
        (if test-expr2

eval:26:0: syntax: missing ellipses with pattern variable

in template in: test-expr2

Unfortunately it does not work. Not only because an ellipsis is missing after test-expr2; but also because during expansion, then-expr2 together with the ellipsis in the template will be substituted by all the then-expressions in a call of condition, yet lined in sequence, leaving out any nested if and other test-expressions. Convince yourself that a template like

(if test-expr1
    (if test-expr2
        then-expr2)  ...)

does not work either. What we wish ??? could do is to say that repeating the sub-template (if test-expr2 then-expr2 as many times as required and supplying as many closing parentheses as needed. Unfortunately, this is out of the reach of ellipses .... But notice that what we wish ellipsis to do is exactly what conditonal is designed to do. This suggests that if we can call condition recursively, we are done. Racket supports recursive macro calls in a macro definition. The way to write a recursive macro call is similar to the way to write a recursive function call. But you must make sure that the recursive macro call will actually match the call pattern:

> (define-syntax-rule (condition (test-expr1 then-expr1)
                                 (test-expr2 then-expr2) ...)
    (if test-expr1
        (condition (test-expr2 then-expr2) ...)))

This time it looks good. The macro definiton is accepted. Nevertheless, it fails when we use it:

(define (absolute n)
    [(< n 0) (- n)]
    [(>= n 0) n]))

When Racket’s macro processor tries to expand the macro call in the above definition, it will complain that the macro call (condition) does not match the call pattern. The problem is that since both test-expr2 and then-expr2 are supposed to to bound to an sequence of s-expressions, in particular, these sequences may be empty; but if you look at the macro header carefully, you will notice that it expects at least one couple of test-exression and then-expression. We can see the point more clearly from the fully expanded code for the definiton of absolute:

(define (absolute n)
  (if (< n 0)
      (- n)
      (if (>= n 0)

Because of the recursive call of condition, the expansion continues until the bottom case is hit, that is, when both test-expr2 and then-expr2 become (). At this point, there is no s-expression fed to condition, thus the recursive macro call becomes (condition), which fails to match the call pattern. The solution is to provide a pattern that would cover this base case. Thus we need a match-like construct that allows us to supply multiple patterns to cover different cases. Racket provides us syntax-rules which allows us to define an anonymous macro, then we can use define-syntax to give the macro a name. They work tegother in a similar way that lambda and define do. Using syntax-rules and define-syntax, the macro condition will be defined as follows:

(define-syntax condition
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(condition) (void)]
    [(condition (test-expr then-expr) clause ...)
     (if test-expr
         (condition clause ...))]))

The body of syntax-rules looks similar to the body of match. For each clause, the left hand side is a pattern specifying the form that a macro call could take; the right hand side is the template corresponding to this pattern. Matching also goes from top down, favoring the template corresponding to the first pattern that matches a macro call. Note the macro name acts as if it is a literal. In other words, in pattern matching, macro names must match exactly, equivalent to equality test.

For the base case (condition), we choose to return nothing, which is what (void) does. For the recursive case, we simplify the ellipsis-pattern (test-expr2 then-expr2) ... to just clause .... The reason is the corresponding template and this ellipsis-pattern appears exactly the same. That means their structure actually does not matter. We can simply use a pattern variable instead.

The pair of parentheses folling immediately syntax-rules are used to introduce some extra keywords. We know that inside cond, we can use the keyword else to take care of all othercases. We can do similar thing for our condition, to introduce a keyword, say otherwise, we simply put it in the parentheses following syntax-rules.

(define-syntax condition
  (syntax-rules (otherwise)
    [(condition) (void)]
    [(condition (otherwise othw-expr)) othw-expr]
    [(condition (test-expr then-expr) clause ...)
     (if test-expr
         (condition clause ...))]))

We can rewrite absolute as

(define (absolute n)
    [(< n 0) (- n)]
    [otherwise n]))

It get expanded to

(define (absolute n)
  (if (< n 0)
      (- n)
, exactly what we want.

Note the position of the clause [(condition (otherwise othw-expr)) othw-expr] matters. If we put it after the clause that deals with the recursive case, pattern matching could never reach it. Since the pattern variable test-expr can match anything, the clause handling the recursive case will always be taken. The call of conditon in absolute gets expanded by the macro processor to:

(define (absolute n)
  (if (< n 0)
      (- n)
      (if otherwise

The problem of this expanded code is that, the identifier otherwise may not evaluate to a boolearn value and it may even be unbound at all. Therefore, always be careful about the order of the clauses.

13.2.3 Extending Language Syntax

In the previous subsection, we have seen the macro with and condition allow us to write code in a new way. In a sense, we have extended the language syntax. Both with and condition are already provided by Racket, but under different names: let for with, and cond for condition. They are indeed pre-defined as macros. Their definitions subsume ours. The call for with and condition comes from our observation of some recurring coding patterns. But macros can also be used to make some syntax out of our imagination.

When imperative programmers moves to the functional programming world, they usually miss those loop constructs provided by the imperative language, if no such construct is provided by the functional language. For a functional language with no syntax extensibility, all they can do is to hope such construct would be supported in future version of the language. This is almost hopeless, since for a non-extensible functional language, if it omits such constructs from the very beginning, it suggests a strong favor of recursion. But for Lisp-family languages, this is no problem. If programmers want, they can always build such constructs as macros.

A proper loop construct maintains a set of iteration variables (or loop variabels). Some of them are tested in a boolean condition in order to control the entering and exiting of the loop. All the iteration variables should have already been initialized before entering the loop. When entering the loop, an iteration starts. During the iteration, some iteration variables may be modified. These modifications will affect the next boolean condition test, which in turn will determine whether to reenter the loop and start a new iteration or to terminate the current iteration and exit the loop.

In the imperative programming world, there are several variants of loop constructs. C provides while-loop and for-loop. The latter is actually a better organized version of the former, encouraging the programmer to put initializations and modifications of these iteration variables together along with the boolean condition, before the body of the loop. Python provides slightly different for-loop and while-loop, each allowing an optional else branch that does something default when the boolean condition is no longer met, that is, when control exits the loop. We will try to design a macro that brings together all the goods of these loop constructs. Therefore, this time, we will start with the macro call pattern. Let’s call our macro loop. Furthermore, we would like to introduce two more keywords for special purpose: one is when which labels the boolean expression, the other is else which labels the default expression. Eventually, we decide our macro call pattern to be:

(loop [(ivar init step) ...]
      [when test]
      body ...
      [else just])

We collect an iteration variable ivar, its initialization init and its modification step into an s-list. In particular, the ellipsis following the s-list indicates that our loop construct can have zero or more such collections. The body of the loop can also be an arbitrary number of expressions. These expressions are usually evaluated in sequence but their values are ignored. The boolean expression test follows the extra keyword when. The default expression just follows the extra keyword else. This default expression is evaluated when the loop is exitted, and its value becomes the value of the whole loop-expression.

The next step is to design the code template. Recall that in Racket, the recommended way of expressing loops is via recursion. Thus, since a call of loop is supposed to be transformed away, in our template, we should use recursion. Here is the template:

(local [(define (iterate ivar ...)
          (if test
              (begin body ...
                     (iterate step ...))
  (iterate init ...))

Essentially we define a local recursive function iterate that takes all the iterative variables as parameters. Inside its body, if test evaluates to true, we begin to evaluate the expressions of the loop body in sequence, ignoring their values, and then we recursively call iterate with new arguments that are supposed to push the initial values of the iterative variables one step further, that is, get them bound to new values. When test evaluates to false, we know that the iteration is done, we should return the value of the default expression just. Putting the macro call pattern and the template together, we get the following macro definition:

(define-syntax loop
  (syntax-rules (when else)
    [(loop [(ivar init step) ...]
           [when test]
           body ...
           [else just])
     (local [(define (iterate ivar ...)
               (if test
                   (begin body ...
                          (iterate step ...))
       (iterate init ...))]))

Now we can use our loop macro to define a fucntion that sums a list of numbers.

(define (sum nums)
  (loop [(ns nums (rest ns))
         (s 0 (+ s (first ns)))]
    [when (not (empty? ns))]
    [else s]))

In this example, the body of the loop is empty. Another classic example of using loop is to print out the times table.

(loop [(i 1 (+ i 1))]
      [when (<= i 9)]
      (loop [(j 1 (+ j 1))]
            [when (<= j i)]
            (printf "~a * ~a = ~a\t" i j (* i j))
            [else (newline)])
      [else (void)])

For more detail of the function printf, newline and void, please refer to the Racket documentation.

Exercise 1. Some C-family languages also provide another form of loop, called do-while-loop. Write a macro that can do the same.

Racket is a descendant of Scheme. In Scheme, a few identifiers are reserved, sometimes called syntactic keywords. Their use cases are in the Lisp tradition called special forms. They are special for both syntax and semantics. Let’s take a look at lambda. It is special in syntax because if you use it incorrectly you will get a syntax error. It is special in semantics because it (when used correctly) creates an anonymous function. Due to their special status, these syntactic keywords need special support from the language implementation. Implementing a language is not an easy and cheap task. It takes a lot of efforts and resources. Generally, the richer the language syntax is, the more convenient to program in the language, but on the other hand the more efforts and resources needs to be put into the language implementation. Clearly the language designers must make a trade-off. The choice of Scheme, and in turn Racket, is to keep the core language syntax minimum but leaves open the possibility to extend it. This follows the design philosophy stated in the Scheme language report:

Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features appear necessary. This passage has been replicated at the very beginning of every Revisedn Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme since n = 3.

Scheme has only a few syntactic keywords, two of them are lambda and if. They render the primitive syntax of the language. Of course, with them, it can hardly be convenient to program anything in the language. For example, to write a multi-conditional expression, you have to write deep nested if-expressions. Fortunately Scheme provides a powerful macro system. New macros can be defined on the fly. Moreover, a macro call is indistinguishable from a special form, due to the uniform s-expression syntax. In parallel, in Scheme and Racket, the call of a user-defined function is also indistinguishable from that of a primitive function. This is not by coincidence but by intention, intention for a simple, uniform look and feel. This gives us a feeling that we are extending the core language syntax in a compatible way, which means we do not introduce some alien syntax. Since macros can be used to extend the language syntax, they are sometimes also called syntactic extensions. Actually, Racket goes much further than Scheme, everything is a macro, including all seeming syntactic keywords, even lambda and if. Their uses are replaced by code in Racket’s core language syntax during macro expansion. The way how Racket’s macro expansion works is out of the scope of this lecture. If you are interested, please refer to the Racket documentation. At the end of this subsection, we use one example to demonstrate how the extensibility macros bring to the language can influence its design.

We have claimed that everything in Racket is a macro. Then it should be easy to accept that match, the construct we have focused on in our previous lecture is also just a macro. Racket chooses to build match as a macro on top of equality test on literals and isomorphism test on data structures. Another perspective is to view pattern matching as a more general and more primitive mechanism that should be supported out of the core language. The reason turns out to be that the most basic conditional construct if can be simply defined as a macro on top of pattern matching! Here you go:

(define-syntax-rule (if test-expr then-expr else-expr)
  (match test-expr
    [#t then-expr]
    [#f else-expr]))

Thus every conditinoal expression is essentially a pattern matching expression.

13.2.4 The Use or Abuse of Macros

Macro system holds the power to create languages and fill them with syntax. But like all great power, it can be used for good, also for evil. And so arises the question, a question that will trap our mind until it finds the balance.

In this final subseciton, we will uncover the mask of and and or. They are not functions but macros. Thus you can not pass them as an argument to a higher-order function, since they are not functions at all. The reason why they are defined as macros instead of functions is deeper. In the following discussion, we focus on and, the case for or is similar. Below is a function definition that can do what and can:

(define (andf . bs)
  (match bs
    [(list) true]
    [(list b) b]
    [(list b bs ...) (if b (andf bs) false)]))

This function looks correct. The problem with it is that before entering the function body, all arguments have already been evaluated. This is due to how Racket evaluates an application: arguments to a function are always evaluated before the evaluation of the function body. For regular functions, this evaluate strategy is demanded, since it will save repeated evaluation is the arguments have to be substituted for several occurences of their corresponding parameters inside the function body, improving the efficiency of the computation. But for andf, it causes inefficiency because it conflicts with the so-called short-circuit evaluation for andf: whenever we find an argument to andf evaluates to false, we can stop and return false immediately, disregarding all other arguments, no matter how many they are. Now comes the conflict: Racket’s evaluation strategy requires all arguments to a function being evaluated; short-circuit evaluation suggests that all arguments should only be evaluated if necessary. Instead of changing the regular evaluation strategy for regular function application, which is the common case, Racket takes away the function status of andf and turn it into a macro:

(define-syntax and
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(and) true]
    [(and e) e]
    [(and e es ...) (if e (and es ...) false)]))

Since a macro takes its argument expressions unevaluated, the conflict disappears, and it can embrace the benefit of short-circuit evaluation. On the other hand, it also means and can no longer be used in place where first-class function status is required. In particular, and can never see the light of run-time again.

Exercise 2. Give the macro definition of or.

We leave this usage of macros to you to decide whether it is use or abuse. The general advice is this: whenever you want to build abstractions, try functions first; only if one of situations described above occurs, should you try macros instead. Remember, macros are powerful, so powerful if you abuse them, you may shoot yourself in the foot.