-- Variables and contexts
-- This module defines the syntax of contexts, prefixes of
-- contexts and variables and properties of these notions.
-- This module is parametric in the syntax of types, so it
-- can be reused for different calculi.

module Base.Syntax.Context
    (Type : Set)

open import Relation.Binary
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Typing Contexts
-- ===============

import Data.List as List
open List public
  using ()
    ( [] to; _∷_ to _•_
    ; map to mapContext

Context : Set
Context = List.List Type

-- Variables
-- =========
-- Here it is clear that we are using de Bruijn indices,
-- encoded as natural numbers, more or less.
data Var : Context  Type  Set where
  this :  {Γ τ}  Var (τ  Γ) τ
  that :  {Γ σ τ}  (x : Var Γ τ)  Var (σ  Γ) τ

-- Weakening
-- =========
-- We provide two approaches for weakening: context prefixes and
-- and subcontext relationship. In this formalization, we mostly
-- (maybe exclusively?) use the latter.

-- Context Prefixes
-- ----------------
-- Useful for making lemmas strong enough to prove by induction.
-- Consider using the Subcontexts module instead.

module Prefixes where

-- Prefix of a context

  data Prefix : Context  Set where
     :  {Γ}  Prefix Γ
    _•_ :  {Γ}  (τ : Type)  Prefix Γ  Prefix (τ  Γ)

-- take only the prefix of a context

  take : (Γ : Context)  Prefix Γ  Context
  take Γ  = 
  take (τ  Γ) (.τ  Γ′) = τ  take Γ Γ′

-- drop the prefix of a context

  drop : (Γ : Context)  Prefix Γ  Context
  drop Γ  = Γ
  drop (τ  Γ) (.τ  Γ′) = drop Γ Γ′

-- Extend a context to a super context

  infixr 10 _⋎_

  _⋎_ : (Γ₁ Γ₂ : Context)  Context
    Γ₂ = Γ₂
  (τ  Γ₁)  Γ₂ = τ  (Γ₁  Γ₂)

  take-drop :  Γ Γ′  take Γ Γ′  drop Γ Γ′  Γ
  take-drop   = refl
  take-drop (τ  Γ)  = refl
  take-drop (τ  Γ) (.τ  Γ′) rewrite take-drop Γ Γ′ = refl

  or-unit :  Γ  Γ    Γ
  or-unit  = refl
  or-unit (τ  Γ) rewrite or-unit Γ = refl

  move-prefix :  Γ τ Γ′ 
    Γ  (τ  Γ′)  (Γ  (τ  ))  Γ′
  move-prefix  τ Γ′ = refl
  move-prefix (τ  Γ) τ₁  = sym (or-unit (τ  Γ  (τ₁  )))
  move-prefix (τ  Γ) τ₁ (τ₂  Γ′) rewrite move-prefix Γ τ₁ (τ₂  Γ′) = refl

-- Lift a variable to a super context

  lift :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ Γ₃ τ}  Var (Γ₁  Γ₃) τ  Var (Γ₁  Γ₂  Γ₃) τ
  lift {} {} x = x
  lift {} {τ  Γ₂} x = that (lift {} {Γ₂} x)
  lift {τ  Γ₁} {Γ₂} this = this
  lift {τ  Γ₁} {Γ₂} (that x) = that (lift {Γ₁} {Γ₂} x)

-- Subcontexts
-- -----------
-- Useful as a reified weakening operation,
-- and for making theorems strong enough to prove by induction.
-- The contents of this module are currently exported at the end
-- of this file.

module Subcontexts where
  infix 4 _≼_

  data _≼_ : (Γ₁ Γ₂ : Context)  Set where
    keep_•_ :  {Γ₁ Γ₂} 
      (τ : Type) 
      Γ₁  Γ₂ 
      τ  Γ₁  τ  Γ₂
    drop_•_ :  {Γ₁ Γ₂} 
      (τ : Type) 
      Γ₁  Γ₂ 
      Γ₁  τ  Γ₂

  -- Properties

  ∅≼Γ :  {Γ}    Γ
  ∅≼Γ {} = 
  ∅≼Γ {τ  Γ} = drop τ  ∅≼Γ

  ≼-refl : Reflexive _≼_
  ≼-refl {} = 
  ≼-refl {τ  Γ} = keep τ  ≼-refl

  ≼-reflexive :  {Γ₁ Γ₂}  Γ₁  Γ₂  Γ₁  Γ₂
  ≼-reflexive refl = ≼-refl

  ≼-trans : Transitive _≼_
  ≼-trans ≼₁  = ≼₁
  ≼-trans (keep .τ  ≼₁) (keep τ  ≼₂) = keep τ  ≼-trans ≼₁ ≼₂
  ≼-trans (drop .τ  ≼₁) (keep τ  ≼₂) = drop τ  ≼-trans ≼₁ ≼₂
  ≼-trans ≼₁ (drop τ  ≼₂) = drop τ  ≼-trans ≼₁ ≼₂

  ≼-isPreorder : IsPreorder _≡_ _≼_
  ≼-isPreorder = record
    { isEquivalence = isEquivalence
    ; reflexive = ≼-reflexive
    ; trans = ≼-trans

  ≼-preorder : Preorder _ _ _
  ≼-preorder = record
    { Carrier = Context
    ; _≈_ = _≡_
    ; _∼_ = _≼_
    ; isPreorder = ≼-isPreorder

  module ≼-Reasoning where
    open import Relation.Binary.PreorderReasoning ≼-preorder public
        ( _≈⟨_⟩_ to _≡⟨_⟩_
        ; _∼⟨_⟩_ to _≼⟨_⟩_
        ; _≈⟨⟩_ to _≡⟨⟩_

  -- Lift a variable to a super context

  weaken-var :  {Γ₁ Γ₂ τ}  Γ₁  Γ₂  Var Γ₁ τ  Var Γ₂ τ
  weaken-var (keep τ  ≼₁) this = this
  weaken-var (keep τ  ≼₁) (that x) = that (weaken-var ≼₁ x)
  weaken-var (drop τ  ≼₁) x = that (weaken-var ≼₁ x)

-- Currently, we export the subcontext relation as well as the
-- definition of _⋎_.

open Subcontexts public
open Prefixes public using (_⋎_)