-- Sets of variables

module Base.Syntax.Vars
     (Type : Set)

-- The notion of sets of variables
-- This module is calculus-independent.

open import Base.Syntax.Context Type

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.Bool

-- Sets of variables

open import Base.Data.DependentList public

Free : Type  Set
Free _ = Bool

Vars : Context  Set
Vars = DependentList Free

none : {Γ : Context}  Vars Γ
none = tabulate  _  false)

singleton :  {τ Γ}  Var Γ τ  Vars Γ
singleton {Γ = τ  Γ₀} this = true  none
singleton (that x) = false  singleton x

-- Union of variable sets
infixl 6 _∪_ -- just like _+_
_∪_ :  {Γ}  Vars Γ  Vars Γ  Vars Γ
_∪_ = zipWith _∨_

-- Test if a set of variables is empty
empty? :  {Γ}  (vs : Vars Γ)  (vs  none)  
empty?  = inj₁ refl
empty? (true  vs) = inj₂ tt
empty? (false  vs) with empty? vs
... | inj₁ vs=∅ = inj₁ (cong₂ _•_ refl vs=∅)
... | inj₂ _ = inj₂ tt