-- Incrementalization as term-to-term transformation with the Nehemiah plugin.

module Nehemiah.Change.Derive where

open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Type
open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Term
open import Nehemiah.Change.Type
open import Nehemiah.Change.Term

open import Data.Integer

import Parametric.Change.Derive Const ΔBase as Derive

deriveConst : Derive.Structure
deriveConst (intlit-const n)   = intlit (+ 0)
deriveConst add-const        (s  t  ) (ds  dt  ) = add ds dt
deriveConst minus-const      (t  ) (dt  ) = minus dt
deriveConst empty-const        = empty
deriveConst insert-const     (s  t  ) (ds  dt  ) = insert (s ⊕₍ int  ds) (t ⊕₍ bag  dt)  insert s t
deriveConst union-const      (s  t  ) (ds  dt  ) = union ds dt
deriveConst negate-const     (t  ) (dt  ) = negate dt
deriveConst flatmap-const    (s  t  ) (ds  dt  ) = flatmap (s ⊕₍ int  bag  ds) (t ⊕₍ bag  dt)  flatmap s t
deriveConst sum-const        (t  ) (dt  ) = sum dt

open Derive.Structure deriveConst public