-- Terms that operate on changes (Fig. 3).

import Parametric.Syntax.Type as Type
import Parametric.Syntax.Term as Term
import Parametric.Change.Type as ChangeType

module Parametric.Change.Term
    {Base : Set}
    (Const : Term.Structure Base)
    (ΔBase : ChangeType.Structure Base)

-- Terms that operate on changes

open Type.Structure Base
open Term.Structure Base Const
open ChangeType.Structure Base ΔBase

open import Data.Product

-- Extension point 1: A term for ⊝ on base types.
DiffStructure : Set
DiffStructure =  {ι Γ}  Term Γ (base ι  base ι  base (ΔBase ι))

-- Extension point 2: A term for ⊕ on base types.
ApplyStructure : Set
ApplyStructure =  {ι Γ}  Term Γ (ΔType (base ι)  base ι  base ι)

module Structure
    (diff-base : DiffStructure)
    (apply-base : ApplyStructure)

  -- g ⊝ f  = λ x . λ Δx . g (x ⊕ Δx) ⊝ f x
  -- f ⊕ Δf = λ x . f x ⊕ Δf x (x ⊝ x)

  -- We provide: terms for ⊕ and ⊝ on arbitrary types.
  diff-term :  {τ Γ}  Term Γ (τ  τ  ΔType τ)
  apply-term :  {τ Γ}  Term Γ (ΔType τ  τ  τ)

  diff-term {base ι} = diff-base
  diff-term {σ  τ} =
       _⊝τ_ = λ {Γ} s t   app₂ (diff-term {τ} {Γ}) s t
       _⊕σ_ = λ {Γ} t Δt  app₂ (apply-term {σ} {Γ}) Δt t
       abs₄  g f x Δx  app g (x ⊕σ Δx) ⊝τ app f x))

  apply-term {base ι} = apply-base
  apply-term {σ  τ} =
       _⊝σ_ = λ {Γ} s t   app₂ (diff-term {σ} {Γ}) s t
       _⊕τ_ = λ {Γ} t Δt  app₂ (apply-term {τ} {Γ}) Δt t
       abs₃  Δh h y  app h y ⊕τ app (app Δh y) (y ⊝σ y)))

  diff :  τ {Γ} 
    Term Γ τ  Term Γ τ 
    Term Γ (ΔType τ)
  diff _ = app₂ diff-term

  apply :  τ {Γ} 
    Term Γ (ΔType τ)  Term Γ τ 
    Term Γ τ
  apply _ = app₂ apply-term

  infixl 6 apply diff
  syntax apply τ x Δx = Δx ⊕₍ τ ₎ x
  syntax diff τ x y = x ⊝₍ τ ₎ y

  infixl 6 _⊕_ _⊝_
  _⊝_ :  {τ Γ} 
    Term Γ τ  Term Γ τ 
    Term Γ (ΔType τ)
  _⊝_ {τ} = diff τ

  _⊕_ :  {τ Γ} 
    Term Γ (ΔType τ)  Term Γ τ 
    Term Γ τ
  _⊕_ {τ} = app₂ apply-term