-- The values of terms in Parametric.Change.Term.

import Parametric.Syntax.Type as Type
import Parametric.Syntax.Term as Term
import Parametric.Denotation.Value as Value
import Parametric.Change.Type as ChangeType

module Parametric.Change.Value
    {Base : Type.Structure}
    (Const : Term.Structure Base)
    (⟦_⟧Base : Value.Structure Base)
    (ΔBase : ChangeType.Structure Base)

open Type.Structure Base
open Term.Structure Base Const
open Value.Structure Base ⟦_⟧Base
open ChangeType.Structure Base ΔBase

open import Base.Denotation.Notation

-- Extension point 1: The value of ⊕ for base types.
ApplyStructure : Set
ApplyStructure =  ι   ι ⟧Base   ΔBase ι ⟧Base   ι ⟧Base

-- Extension point 2: The value of ⊝ for base types.
DiffStructure : Set
DiffStructure =  ι   ι ⟧Base   ι ⟧Base   ΔBase ι ⟧Base

module Structure
    (⟦apply-base⟧ : ApplyStructure)
    (⟦diff-base⟧ : DiffStructure)

  -- We provide: The value of ⊕ and ⊝ for arbitrary types.
  ⟦apply⟧ :  τ   τ    ΔType τ    τ 
  ⟦diff⟧ :  τ   τ    τ    ΔType τ 

  infixl 6 ⟦apply⟧ ⟦diff⟧
  syntax ⟦apply⟧ τ v dv = v ⟦⊕₍ τ ₎⟧ dv
  syntax ⟦diff⟧ τ u v = u ⟦⊝₍ τ ₎⟧ v

  v ⟦⊕₍ base ι ₎⟧ Δv = ⟦apply-base⟧ ι v Δv
  f ⟦⊕₍ σ  τ ₎⟧ Δf = λ v  f v ⟦⊕₍ τ ₎⟧ Δf v (v ⟦⊝₍ σ ₎⟧ v)

  u ⟦⊝₍ base ι ₎⟧ v = ⟦diff-base⟧ ι u v
  g ⟦⊝₍ σ  τ ₎⟧ f = λ v Δv  (g (v ⟦⊕₍ σ ₎⟧ Δv)) ⟦⊝₍ τ ₎⟧ (f v)

  _⟦⊕⟧_ :  {τ}   τ    ΔType τ    τ 
  _⟦⊕⟧_ {τ} = ⟦apply⟧ τ

  _⟦⊝⟧_ :  {τ}   τ    τ    ΔType τ 
  _⟦⊝⟧_ {τ} = ⟦diff⟧ τ

  alternate :  {Γ}   Γ    mapContext ΔType Γ    ΔContext Γ 
  alternate {}   = 
  alternate {τ  Γ} (v  ρ) (dv  ) = dv  v  alternate ρ