package ilc package feature package abelianGroups object Library extends base.Library { trait AbelianGroup[T] { def binOp: (=>T) => (=>T) => T def inv: (=>T) => T def neutral: T def isEqualGroup(that: AbelianGroup[T]): Boolean override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match { case that: AbelianGroup[T] => this.isEqualGroup(that) case _ => false } } object IndexedGroup { def curried[T]: (=> Int) => (=> ((=>T) => (=>T) => T)) => (=>((=>T) => T)) => (=>T) => AbelianGroup[T] = id => binOp => inv => neutral => IndexedGroup(id, binOp, inv, neutral) } case class IndexedGroup[T]( id: Int, binOp: (=>T) => (=>T) => T, inv: (=>T) => T, neutral: T ) extends AbelianGroup[T] { def isEqualGroup(that: AbelianGroup[T]): Boolean = that match { case IndexedGroup(thatId, _, _, _) => == thatId case _ => false } } }