package ilc package examples package bench import scala.util.Random import org.scalameter.api.Gen import ilc.feature.abelianMaps.Library._ import ilc.feature.abelianGroups.Library._ import ilc.feature.bags.Library._ class HistogramBenchmark extends OnlyDerivativeBenchmark( new WordCountBenchData(HistogramGenerated) { override def base = 1 //Should be around the break-even point. override def last = FastBenchmarksFlag.choose(512, 4096) override def step = 2 override def sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.exponential("n")(base, last, step) }) { override def iters: Int = 10 } class HistogramRecomputeBenchmark extends OnlyRecomputationBenchmark( new WordCountBenchData(HistogramGenerated) { override def base = 1 override def last = FastBenchmarksFlag.choose(512, 4096) override def step = 2 override def sizes: Gen[Int] = Gen.exponential("n")(base, last, step) // exponential doesn't support base = last (it produces n = 0 during // warmup). Great! Use single instead: //Gen.single("n")(last) }) object HistogramVerification extends BenchmarkVerification( new WordCountBenchData(HistogramGenerated) { override def base = 2 override def last = 2 override def step = 10 }) class WordCountBenchData(val example: ExampleGenerated { type InputType = AbelianMap[Int, Bag[Int]] type DeltaInputType = Either[(AbelianGroup[InputType], InputType), InputType] type OutputType = AbelianMap[Int, Int] type DeltaOutputType = Either[(AbelianGroup[OutputType], OutputType), OutputType] }) extends BenchData { import example._ val vocabularySize = 1000 /** word limit in UCLA personal statement for undergrad admission */ val expectedDocumentSize = 1000 /** * Returns a pseudorandom, uniformly distributed int value between from * (inclusive) and to (inclusive). */ def rand(from: Int, to: Int) = from + Random.nextInt(to - from + 1) def rand1(n: Int): Int = rand(1, n) def randomWord: Int = rand1(vocabularySize) def randomWords(wordCount: Int): Seq[Int] = Seq.fill(wordCount)(randomWord) /** Put `elements` randomly in a `numberOfGroups`. */ def randomGroups(elements: Seq[Int], numberOfGroups: Int): Seq[List[Int]] = { val groups: Array[List[Int]] = Array.fill(numberOfGroups)(Nil) val maxGroupIndex = numberOfGroups - 1 elements foreach { element => val i = rand(0, maxGroupIndex) groups(i) = element :: groups(i) } groups } def changeDescriptions: Gen[String] = Gen.enumeration("change")("random changes") /** Given `n`, create a hash trie of `n` documents with * * n * expectedDocumentSize * * words in total. Words are put into documents at random * in the manner of the balls-and-bins situation. */ def inputOfSize(n: Int): InputType = { val numberOfDocuments = n val words = randomWords(getTotalWords(n)) val documents = randomGroups(words, numberOfDocuments) map { group => Bag(group: _*) } AbelianMap((0 until numberOfDocuments) map {i => (i, documents(i))}: _*) } def getTotalWords(n: Int): Int = n * expectedDocumentSize def halfChance: Boolean = if (rand(0, 1) == 0) true else false /** Generate a random insertion or a random deletion. */ def lookupChange(desc: String, n: Int, input: InputType, output: OutputType): DeltaInputType = { val totalWords = getTotalWords(n) val changeGroupElement: InputType = if (halfChance) generateInsertion(input, totalWords) else generateDeletion(input, totalWords) Left(( LiftedMapGroup[Int, Bag[Int]](FreeAbelianGroup()), changeGroupElement)) } sealed trait CountingWords case class FoundTheWord(word: Int) extends CountingWords case class CountedWholeDocument(wordCount: Int) extends CountingWords def ithWord(document: Bag[Int], i: Int): CountingWords = { var wordCount = 0 val iterator = document.iterator while (iterator.hasNext) { val (word, multiplicity) = wordCount += multiplicity if (wordCount > i) return FoundTheWord(word) } CountedWholeDocument(wordCount) } def ithWordInDoc(input: InputType, i: Int): (Int, Int) = { def loop(i: Int, iterator: Iterator[(Int, Bag[Int])]): (Int, Int) = { val (docID, document) = ithWord(document, i) match { case FoundTheWord(word) => (word, docID) case CountedWholeDocument(wordCount) => loop(i - wordCount, iterator) } } loop(i, input.iterator) } def generateDeletion(input: InputType, totalWords: Int): InputType = { val (word, docID) = ithWordInDoc(input, rand(0, totalWords - 1)) AbelianMap(docID -> bagNegate(Bag(word))) } def generateInsertion(input: InputType, totalWords: Int): InputType = { val numberOfDocuments = input.size val insertedWord = randomWord val locationOfInsertion = rand(- numberOfDocuments, totalWords - 1) // negative locations represent space between documents. // if a word is inserted there, then a new document is created. if (locationOfInsertion < 0) { val newDocID = numberOfDocuments assert(! (input contains newDocID)) AbelianMap(newDocID -> Bag(insertedWord)) } else { val (word, docID) = ithWordInDoc(input, locationOfInsertion) // triggers scala 2.10.2 bug in merging HashMaps (Bags): // if multiplicity is 1, sometimes the collision handler // is invoked on null. AbelianMap(docID -> Bag(insertedWord)) } } }