package WithVariance /** * Here we demonstrate embeddings using covariance. */ trait Consts { // A very simple expression language, figuring only arbitrary literals: trait Exp[+T] case class Const[T](t: T) extends Exp[T] // The above encodes the Haskell ADT: // // data Exp t = Const t // // But note that this encoding is extensible. //A simple evaluator. We will show it is not type-correct. (It only compiles because of an unsoundness bug, // def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case Const(t) => t } //The simplest term transformation for this language. This is also not type-correct. def rebuild[T](term: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = term match { case Const(t) => Const(t) } } trait LambdaSub extends Consts { // Extend this language declared in Const to the simply-typed lambda calculus with subtyping (also known as lambda-sub // or $\lambda_<:$): /*trait Exp[+T] case class Const[T](t: T) extends Exp[T]*/ case class App[S, T](fun: Exp[S => T], arg: Exp[S]) extends Exp[T] //Instead of representing variables explicitly, we reuse the binding support of Scala through higher-order abstract //syntax. case class Fun[S, T](body: Exp[S] => Exp[T]) extends Exp[S => T] //The extensions of the interpreter and term transformation come right after. } // An interpreter for this calculus. Note that we needed to use casts to write it. trait Interp extends LambdaSub { override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun) apply eval(arg) case f: Fun[s, t] => //(x: s) => eval(f.body(Const(x))) (((x: s) => eval(f.body(Const(x)))): (s => t)).asInstanceOf[T] //case Fun(body) => //x => eval(body(Const(x))) case _ => super.eval(term) } override def rebuild[T](term: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = term match { case App(fun, arg) => App(fun, arg) // What we would like to write: // // case Fun(body) => Fun(f.body) // // What we have to write instead: // case f: Fun[s, t] => Fun(f.body).asInstanceOf[Exp[T]] case _ => super.rebuild(term) } } // Define a few valid terms in our lambda calculus trait LamExamples extends LambdaSub { val term1 = App(Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => x), Const(1)) //Use the host language to define some syntactic sugar def let[S, T](arg: Exp[S])(f: Exp[S => T]) = App(f, arg) //Using let, we need less type annotations: val term2 = let(Const(1))(Fun(x => x)) //val termWrong = Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => App(x, 1)) } // Extends the language to include lists trait Lists extends LambdaSub with Interp { case class Cons[T](car: Exp[T], cdr: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[List[T]] case class Null[T]() extends Exp[List[T]] case class Car[T](l: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[T] case class Cdr[T](l: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[List[T]] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { //case Cons(car, cdr) => //eval(car) :: eval(cdr) case cons: Cons[t] => //T <: List[t] ((eval( :: eval(cons.cdr)) : List[t]).asInstanceOf[T] //case Null() => //List() case nil: Null[t] => (List(): List[t]).asInstanceOf[T] case Car(l) => eval(l).head //case Cdr(l) => //eval(l).tail case cdr: Cdr[t] => (eval(cdr.l).tail: List[t]).asInstanceOf[T] case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Extend the language for addition on Ints: trait Nums extends LambdaSub with Interp { case class Plus(a: Exp[Int], b: Exp[Int]) extends Exp[Int] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case p @ Plus(a, b) => ((eval(a) + eval(b)): Int).asInstanceOf[T] case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Extend the language for addition on instances of the Numeric "type-class": trait NumsGen extends LambdaSub with Interp { case class Plus[T](a: Exp[T], b: Exp[T])(implicit val num: Numeric[T]) extends Exp[T] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { //case p @ Plus(a, b) => //, eval(b)) //works with Scala 2.9.2, doesn't with 2.10.x case p: Plus[t] => (, eval(p.b)): t).asInstanceOf[T] case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Code transformation to reduce a beta-redex (note that this does not traverse the term *looking* for beta-redexes, for simplicity): trait BetaReduce extends LambdaSub { def betaReduce[T](term: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = term match { case App(Fun(f), arg) => f(arg) case e => e } } // Extend the language with the map operation on generic Scala collections: trait Colls extends LambdaSub with Interp { case class MapOp[T, U](coll: Exp[Traversable[T]], f: Exp[T => U]) extends Exp[Traversable[U]] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case MapOp(coll, f) => ((eval(coll) map eval(f)): Traversable[Any]).asInstanceOf[T] case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Attempts at implementing map fusion. trait Fusion extends LambdaSub with Colls { def fusePrecise[T](t: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = t match { // First attempt to write map fusion, rejected by the type-checker: /* case MapOp(m: MapOp[a, b], g) => m match { case MapOp(coll, f) => MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) //Doesn't help. //case MapOp(coll: Exp[Traversable[`a`]], f) => //MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) case _ => t } */ // Let's try again. Since type inference for nested patterns is unreliable in Scala, let's try using typed pattern // matches and binding the existential type variable, for use in type annotations: case m1: MapOp[t, u] => m1.coll match { //Exp[Traversable[t]] case m2: MapOp[s, `t`] => ((MapOp(m2.coll, Fun((x: Exp[s]) => App(m1.f, App(m2.f, x))))): MapOp[s, u]) //We still need this cast: .asInstanceOf[Exp[T]] case _ => m1 } case _ => t } } // Example programs using map. trait CollsExamples extends Colls with NumsGen with LambdaSub with Fusion{ val plus1: Exp[Int => Int] = Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => Plus(x, Const(1))) val id: Exp[Any => Any] = Fun(x => x) val res1 = MapOp(MapOp(Const(List(1, 2, 3)), plus1), plus1) } object Language extends LambdaSub with Lists with NumsGen with BetaReduce with LamExamples { //Demonstrate why all branches of the lambda-calculus interpreter can trigger an error, by defining appropriate exotic terms. class UnsoundFun[T]() extends Fun[T, T](x => x) with Exp[runtime.AbstractFunction1[T, T]] class UnsoundApp[T](t: T) extends App[Int, List[T]](Fun(x => Const(List(t))), Const(1)) with Exp[Nil.type] class UnsoundConst(t: String) extends Const[Any](t) with Exp[Boolean] // Lambda-calculus terms are not special. We can get the same for instance for Cons: class UnsoundConsNil[T](t: Exp[T]) extends Cons[T](t, Null()) with Exp[Nil.type] } object TriggerUnsoundness { import Language._ // Call these methods to see the relevant type errors: def unsound1 = eval(new UnsoundConst("")) def unsound2 = eval(new UnsoundApp(1)) def unsound3 = eval(let(Const(1))(new UnsoundFun())) def unsound4 = eval(new UnsoundConsNil(Const(1))) //println(unsound1) //This works thanks to heap pollution //println(unsound2) //Ditto /*Executing 'eval(new MyApp(1))' in the REPL won't work - |you'll get a ClassCastException""".stripMargin) """Same for 'eval(new UnsoundConst(""))'""")*/ } trait LambdaInterpFinal { trait Exp[+T] /* final case class Const[+T](t: T) extends Exp[T] final case class App[S, +T](fun: Exp[S => T], arg: Exp[S]) extends Exp[T] final case class Fun[-S, +T](body: Exp[S] => Exp[T]) extends Exp[S => T] */ final case class Const[T](t: T) extends Exp[T] final case class App[S, T](fun: Exp[S => T], arg: Exp[S]) extends Exp[T] final case class Fun[S, T](body: Exp[S] => Exp[T]) extends Exp[S => T] def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case Const(t) => t case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun) apply eval(arg) case f: Fun[s, t] => (x: s) => eval(f.body(Const(x))) } } // Misc trait LambdaSubMoreVariant { //An even more variant encoding: trait Exp[+T] case class Const[+T](t: T) extends Exp[T] case class App[S, +T](fun: Exp[S => T], arg: Exp[S]) extends Exp[T] case class Fun[-S, +T](body: Exp[S] => Exp[T]) extends Exp[S => T] } trait DeclarationSiteVariance { trait Base[+T] class Derived[T] extends Base[T] //@ \label{ln:derived} class DerivedAgain[T] extends Derived[Any] with Base[Boolean] }