package WithoutVariance import scala.language.implicitConversions /** * Here we demonstrate embeddings which do not use covariance. Comments will * focus on the differences with GADTWithVariance.scala. */ // Simply-typed lambda-calculus, using higher-order abstract syntax. trait Lambda { trait Exp[T] case class Const[T](t: T) extends Exp[T] case class App[S, T](fun: Exp[S => T], arg: Exp[S]) extends Exp[T] case class Fun[S, T](body: Exp[S] => Exp[T]) extends Exp[S => T] } // An interpreter for simply-typed lambda-calculus. trait Interp extends Lambda { def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case Const(t) => t case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun) apply eval(arg) case f: Fun[s, t] => (x: s) => eval(f.body(Const(x))) //case Fun(body) => //x => eval(body(Const(x))) } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Extensions for simply-typed lambda calculus // ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // The extensions below are similar to ones in GADTWithVariance.scala, but they // work with less problems. trait LamExamples extends Lambda { val term1 = App(Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => x), Const(1)) //Use the host language to define some syntactic sugar def let[S, T](arg: Exp[S])(f: Exp[S => T]) = App(f, arg) //Using let, we need less type annotations: val term2 = let(Const(1))(Fun(x => x)) //val termWrong = Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => App(x, Const(1))) } trait Lists extends Lambda with Interp { case class Cons[T](car: Exp[T], cdr: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[List[T]] case class Null[T]() extends Exp[List[T]] case class Car[T](l: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[T] case class Cdr[T](l: Exp[List[T]]) extends Exp[List[T]] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case Cons(car, cdr) => eval(car) :: eval(cdr) case Null() => List() case Car(l) => eval(l).head case Cdr(l) => eval(l).tail case _ => super.eval(term) } } trait Nums extends Lambda with Interp { case class Plus(a: Exp[Int], b: Exp[Int]) extends Exp[Int] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case p @ Plus(a, b) => eval(a) + eval(b) case _ => super.eval(term) } } trait NumsGen extends Lambda with Interp { case class Plus[T](a: Exp[T], b: Exp[T])(implicit val num: Numeric[T]) extends Exp[T] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case p @ Plus(a, b) =>, eval(b)) case _ => super.eval(term) } } trait BetaReduce extends Lambda { def betaReduce[T](term: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = term match { case App(Fun(f), arg) => f(arg) case e => e } } trait Colls extends Lambda with Interp { case class MapOp[T, U](coll: Exp[Traversable[T]], f: Exp[T => U]) extends Exp[Traversable[U]] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case MapOp(coll, f) => eval(coll) map eval(f) case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Express type-preserving map fusion, but more succesfully. We only encounter // some limitations of type inference. trait Fusion extends Lambda with Colls { // fusePrecise uses only typed patterns, which are not nestable, hence they // are only a fancy syntax for type-casing but do not have the full power of // nested pattern matching. // def fusePrecise[T](t: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = t match { case m1: MapOp[t, u] => m1.coll match { //Exp[Traversable[t]] case m2: MapOp[s, `t`] => MapOp(m2.coll, Fun((x: Exp[s]) => App(m1.f, App(m2.f, x)))) case _ => m1 } case _ => t } // fuseSimple tries using real pattern-matching, but runs into problems. // def fuseSimple[T](t: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = t match { //case MapOp(MapOp(coll, f), g) => //MapOp(coll, Fun(x => App(g, App(f, x)))) //Doesn't work, we need to annotate the type of x. case MapOp(m: MapOp[a, b], g) => m match { case MapOp(coll, f) => MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) case _ => t } case _ => t } } object Language extends Lambda with Lists with NumsGen with BetaReduce with LamExamples with LambdaUpcast with Implicit { //class Null2[T]() extends Null[T] with Exp[Nil.type] class Null2[T]() extends Null[T] with Exp[List[T]] val a = ((v: Int) => (null: Exp[List[Int]] with Exp[Nil.type])) def f1(b: Int => Exp[List[Int]]) = b(0) f1(a) } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // An embedding of lambda-sub with explicit subsumption // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// trait LambdaUpcast extends Lambda with Interp { case class Upcast[U, T <: U](e: Exp[T]) extends Exp[U] override def eval[T](term: Exp[T]): T = term match { case Upcast(e) => eval(e) case _ => super.eval(term) } } // Already betaReduce needs to deal with Upcast by code duplication. trait BetaReduceSub extends LambdaUpcast { def betaReduce[T](term: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = term match { case App(Fun(f), arg) => f(arg) case App(Upcast(Fun(f)), arg) => // Why is this accepted? No implicit conversion is available here. f(arg) case e => e } } // Similar code duplication appears also with map fusion. Note that this version // contains multiple experiments. trait FusionUpcast extends LambdaUpcast with Colls { def fuseExperiments[T](t: Exp[T]): Exp[T] = t match { case MapOp(m: MapOp[a, b], g) => m match { case MapOp(coll: Exp[Traversable[`a`]], f) => MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) case MapOp(coll, f) => MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) } /* case MapOp(u: Upcast[s, t], g) => u match { case Upcast(m: MapOp[a, b]) => m match { case MapOp(coll, f) => MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) } } */ case MapOp(Upcast(m: MapOp[a, b]), g) => m match { case MapOp(coll, f) => //This probably works by upcasting ... the return value? //g has type Any => Any. MapOp(coll, Fun((x: Exp[a]) => App(g, App(f, x)))) } case m1: MapOp[t, u] => m1.coll match { //Exp[Traversable[t]] case m2: MapOp[s, `t`] => MapOp(m2.coll, Fun((x: Exp[s]) => App(m1.f, App(m2.f, x)))) case u: Upcast[Traversable[`t`], Traversable[s]] => //s <: t u.e match { //u.e: Exp[Traversable[s]] //case m2: MapOp[r, `s`] => //should be correct case m2: MapOp[r, `s`] => //case class Upcast[U, T <: U](e: Exp[T]) extends Exp[U] //implicit def upcast[U, T <: U](e: Exp[T]): Exp[U] = Upcast(e) MapOp(m2.coll, Fun((x: Exp[r]) => App[t, u](m1.f, /*Upcast[t, s]*/(App[r, s](m2.f, x): Exp[s]).asInstanceOf[Exp[t]]))) //m1 case _ => m1 } case _ => m1 } case e => e } } // Model subsumption through an implicit conversion: trait Implicit extends Colls with NumsGen with LambdaUpcast with Fusion { implicit def upcast[U, T <: U](e: Exp[T]): Exp[U] = Upcast(e) } // If we model subsumption through an implicit conversion, we run into type // inference problems; some examples are demonstrated here. trait InferenceProblems extends Implicit { val plus1: Exp[Int => Int] = Fun((x: Exp[Int]) => Plus(x, Const(1))) val id: Exp[Any => Any] = Fun(x => x) val res1 = MapOp[Int, Int](MapOp[Int, Int](Const(List(1, 2, 3)), plus1), plus1) //val res2 = MapOp[Int, Int](MapOp(Const(List(1, 2, 3)), plus1), plus1) //Type inference fails here. val baseColl1 = Const(List(1, 2, 3)) //val res3 = MapOp[Int, Int](MapOp(baseColl1, plus1), plus1) //Type inference fails here too val baseColl2: Exp[List[Int]] = Const(List(1, 2, 3)) //val res4 = MapOp[Int, Int](MapOp(baseColl2, plus1), plus1) //Type inference fails here too //Moving the type annotation fixes the problem val res4_2 = MapOp(MapOp[Int, Int](upcast(baseColl2), plus1), plus1) //but upcast, now, is not needed val res4 = MapOp(MapOp[Int, Int](baseColl2, plus1), plus1) //val res4_1 = MapOp[Int, Int](MapOp(upcast(baseColl2), plus1), plus1) //Type inference fails here too? //But by moving the type annotation, we can save much work val res2 = MapOp(MapOp[Int, Int](Const(List(1, 2, 3)), plus1), plus1) val res3 = MapOp(MapOp[Int, Int](baseColl1, plus1), plus1) val res = MapOp(res4.coll, id) val fused = fuseSimple(res) } trait UseSiteVariance { //trait Base_[T]; type Base[T] = Base_[_ <: T] trait Base[T]; type Base_[T] = Base[_ <: T] class Derived[T] extends Base[T] } // We can try using use-site variance instead of definition-site variance. This // interpreter tries to interpret a term Exp[_x] type unknown but bound by _x <: // T, which is like allowing subsumption at the root of the argument. This is // however not an interpreter for lambda-sub, since subsumption is not allowed // in the middle of the term. // // We encounter what seems to be an unneccessary limitation of the typechecker, // hence we did not try to embed full lambda-sub yet. We should however // investigate this limitation. trait InterpWildcard extends Lambda { def eval[T](term: Exp[_x] forSome {type _x <: T} ): T = term match { case Const(t) => t case App(fun, arg) => eval(fun) apply eval(arg) case f: Fun[s, t] => //s => t <: _x <: T, so this should arguably typecheck. Here the //typechecker is failing! ((x: s) => eval(f.body(Const(x)))).asInstanceOf[T] //case Fun(body) => //x => eval(body(Const(x))) } }