Scala implementation of incremental lambda calculus

This code can be compiled using SBT. Development should follow the style guide available at

How to run the evaluation from the paper

Start sbt inside this folder with

$ sbt

and give the command

test-only ilc.examples.bench.BenchSuite

This will fetch any needed dependencies, compile everything and start running tests. See below for some example test output. Moreover, this will generate raw datasets in CSV format under the testOutput subfolder, with extension DSV. See the README of the ‘graphs’ artifacts for details on the content.

Warning: The test execution will proceed for quite a while (around 10 minutes here, more on slower machines) without producing any output, as if it had hang, before finally outputting the test results. This happens before the line:

[info] - ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (derivative, surgical change).Test-0 measurements:

Please be patient; you can observe the progress using the VisualVM profiling/monitoring tool (inside the virtual machine, this is pre-installed — see icon on the left-hand side of the screen). Warning: VisualVM can do profiling, so it can invalidate the performance results of the benchmarks themselves.

Running benchmarks with bigger datasets will require more time and (no less than) 4G of RAM - because of this, it is better done on a different (64bit) host. To increase the dataset size, you need to replace

  val value = true


  val value = false

in scala-prototype/src/test/scala/ilc/examples/bench/FastBenchmarksFlag.scala (this will affect the actual parameters set in scala-prototype/src/test/scala/ilc/examples/bench/HistogramBenchmark.scala and scala-prototype/src/test/scala/ilc/examples/ExampleToBenchmark.scala).

Example test output

> test-only ilc.examples.bench.BenchSuite
[info] Compiling 111 Scala sources to /Users/pgiarrusso/Documents/Research/Sorgenti/ilc/scala-prototype/target/scala-2.10/classes...
[warn] there were 1 inliner warning(s); re-run with -Yinline-warnings for details
[warn] one warning found
[info] Generating examples into:
[info] /Users/pgiarrusso/Documents/Research/Sorgenti/ilc/scala-prototype/target/scala-2.10/src_managed/test
[info] Generating GroupBy
[info] Generating MapSucc
[info] Generating SumValues
[info] Generating Histogram
[info] Generating MapSuccBags
[info] Generating MapSuccBase
[info] Generating BagUnion
[info] - DummyGenerated.scala
[info] - GroupByGenerated.scala
[info] - MapSuccGenerated.scala
[info] - SumValuesGenerated.scala
[info] - HistogramGenerated.scala
[info] - MapSuccBagsGenerated.scala
[info] - MapSuccBaseGenerated.scala
[info] - BagUnionGenerated.scala
[info] - ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (derivative, surgical change).Test-0 measurements:
[info] ::Benchmark ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (derivative, surgical change)::
[info] cores: 4
[info] hostname:
[info] jvm-name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] jvm-vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] jvm-version: 24.51-b03
[info] os-arch: x86_64
[info] os-name: Mac OS X
[info] Parameters(n -> 1, change -> random changes): 0.41252777777777777
[info] Parameters(n -> 2, change -> random changes): 0.4160833333333334
[info] Parameters(n -> 4, change -> random changes): 0.2881666666666666
[info] Parameters(n -> 8, change -> random changes): 0.17052777777777772
[info] Parameters(n -> 16, change -> random changes): 0.12133333333333332
[info] Parameters(n -> 32, change -> random changes): 0.1375833333333333
[info] Parameters(n -> 64, change -> random changes): 0.11105555555555556
[info] Parameters(n -> 128, change -> random changes): 0.11627777777777776
[info] Parameters(n -> 256, change -> random changes): 0.13955555555555554
[info] Parameters(n -> 512, change -> random changes): 0.11416666666666668
[info] - ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (recomputation).Test-1 measurements:
[info] ::Benchmark ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (recomputation)::
[info] cores: 4
[info] hostname:
[info] jvm-name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
[info] jvm-vendor: Oracle Corporation
[info] jvm-version: 24.51-b03
[info] os-arch: x86_64
[info] os-name: Mac OS X
[info] Parameters(n -> 1, change -> random changes): 4.712833333333333
[info] Parameters(n -> 2, change -> random changes): 7.604833333333334
[info] Parameters(n -> 4, change -> random changes): 8.933777777777777
[info] Parameters(n -> 8, change -> random changes): 16.02652777777778
[info] Parameters(n -> 16, change -> random changes): 28.632916666666674
[info] Parameters(n -> 32, change -> random changes): 53.185166666666674
[info] Parameters(n -> 64, change -> random changes): 97.8111111111111
[info] Parameters(n -> 128, change -> random changes): 195.64419444444448
[info] Parameters(n -> 256, change -> random changes): 411.4718888888889
[info] Parameters(n -> 512, change -> random changes): 787.4827222222225
[info] :::Summary of regression test results - Accepter():::
[info] Test group: ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (derivative, surgical change)
[info] - ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (derivative, surgical change).Test-0 measurements:
[info] Test group: ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (recomputation)
[info] - ilc.examples.HistogramGenerated (recomputation).Test-1 measurements:
[info]  Summary: 2 tests passed, 0 tests failed.
[info] Passed: : Total 2, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 2, Skipped 0
[success] Total time: 612 s, completed Feb 10, 2014 7:10:09 PM

Cross reference

Object language syntax

An executable guide to the embedding of simply typed lambda terms in Scala. With current directory in scala-prototype, the following command in sbt prompt would execute all statements in the body of the class WriteLambdaTerms:

  test-only ilc.howTo.WriteLambdaTerms

Case study

The MapReduce library in the object language. lambda constructs object-level lambda-abstractions, ! constructs left-associative applications. TermBuilder and PolymorphicTerm are boilerplates to reduce type annotation.

The Histogram program written in terms of MapReduce.

The trait Derivation, the superclass of all erased change structures. The erased change operators are updateTerm and diffTerm, and the derivatives of primitives are to hide in the open method derive.

Benchmark and verification classes of the case study, with clues about input and change generation.

Figure 5

Definitions of term histogram (here program), histogramMap (here userMap) and histogramReduce (here userReduce).

The term additiveGroupOnIntegers is defined here in the trait SyntaxSugar.

Definitions of mapReduce, mapPerKey, groupByKey and reducePerKey

Figure 6

Interface Group, with fields merge, inverse, zero (here AbelianGroup with binOp, inv, neutral). Method types are a bit different to implement lazy evaluation in Scala (§4.3).

Interface Bag with primitives groupOnBags (here case class FreeAbelianGroup) and foldBag (here bagFoldGroup).

Interface Map with primitives groupOnMaps (here liftGroup) and foldMap (here foldByHom).