TeX/LaTeX statistics collector, based upon the NTS TeX implementation. Notice: When first calling this tool, a format file has to be generated using the "-dump" option in combination with either "-tex" or "-latex". Command: java -jar stats.jar [options] file... options: -out File stats are written to "File" -tex tex mode, default mode, "plain.nfmt" must be available -latex latex mode, "latex.nfmt" must be available -hide-output hides the output of the TeX processing; stats are printed anyway -hide-erros hides the error output of the TeX processing; stats are printed anyway -i Name ignore all macros whose name contain the passed name, while looking for arity and pattern changing redefinitions -dump instead of processing input files, a format file for the current mode is created; generates in "plain.nfmt" or "latex.nfmt" respectively -javacmd Cmd the command to instantiate java, default is "java" -server use java with the server flag -javaarg Arg adds an additional argument "Arg" to each java call; especially useful for enlarging the java heap space example: java -server -jar stats.jar -latex -javacmd javaw -server -javaarg -Xmx1024m -out stats.log test/Foal07/foal07.tex test/aosd08/aosd08.tex test/current/dfoal.tex During the processing, "s" followed by skips the current input file, "q" followed by quits the program.