-- Change Structures.
-- This module defines the notion of change structures,
-- as well as change structures for groups, functions and lists.
-- This module corresponds to Section 2 of the PLDI paper.

module Base.Change.Algebra where

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level

-- Change Algebras
-- ===============
-- In the paper, change algebras are called "change structures"
-- and they are described in Section 2.1. We follow the design of
-- the Agda standard library and define change algebras as two
-- records, so Definition 2.1 from the PLDI paper maps to the
-- records IsChangeAlgebra and ChangeAlgebra.
-- A value of type (IsChangeAlgebra Change update diff) proves that
-- Change, update and diff together form a change algebra.
-- A value of type (ChangeAlgebra Carrier) contains the necessary
-- ingredients to create a change algebra for a carrier set.
-- In the paper, Carrier is called V (Def. 2.1a),
-- Change is called Δ (Def. 2.1b),
-- update is written as infix ⊕ (Def. 2.1c),
-- diff is written as infix ⊝ (Def. 2.1d),
-- and update-diff is specified in Def. 2.1e.

record IsChangeAlgebra
    {c} {d}
    {Carrier : Set c}
    (Change : Carrier  Set d)
    (update : (v : Carrier) (dv : Change v)  Carrier)
    (diff : (u v : Carrier)  Change v) : Set (c  d) where
    update-diff :  u v  update v (diff u v)  u

  -- In the paper, this is Def. 2.2.
  nil :  v  Change v
  nil v = diff v v

  -- In the paper, this is Lemma 2.3.
  update-nil :  v  update v (nil v)  v
  update-nil v = update-diff v v

  -- abbrevitations
  before :  {v}  Change v  Carrier
  before {v} _ = v

  after :  {v}  Change v  Carrier
  after {v} dv = update v dv

record ChangeAlgebra {c} 
    (Carrier : Set c) : Set (c  suc ) where
    Change : Carrier  Set 
    update : (v : Carrier) (dv : Change v)  Carrier
    diff : (u v : Carrier)  Change v

    isChangeAlgebra : IsChangeAlgebra Change update diff

  infixl 6 update diff

  open IsChangeAlgebra isChangeAlgebra public

-- The following open ... public statement lets us use infix ⊞
-- and ⊟ for update and diff. In the paper, we use infix ⊕ and
-- ⊝.

open ChangeAlgebra {{...}} public
    ( update-diff
    ; update-nil
    ; nil
    ; before
    ; after
    ( Change to Δ
    ; update to _⊞_
    ; diff to _⊟_

-- Families of Change Algebras
-- ===========================
-- This is some Agda machinery to allow subscripting change
-- algebra operations to avoid ambiguity. In the paper,
-- we simply write (in the paragraph after Def. 2.1):
--   We overload operators ∆, ⊝ and ⊕ to refer to the
--   corresponding operations of different change structures; we
--   will subscript these symbols when needed to prevent
--   ambiguity.
-- The following definitions implement this idea formally.

record ChangeAlgebraFamily {a p}  {A : Set a} (P : A  Set p): Set (suc   p  a) where
    change-algebra :  x  ChangeAlgebra  (P x)

  module _ x where
    open ChangeAlgebra (change-algebra x) public

module Family = ChangeAlgebraFamily {{...}}

open Family public
    ( Change to Δ₍_₎
    ; nil to nil₍_₎
    ; update-diff to update-diff₍_₎
    ; update-nil to update-nil₍_₎
    ; change-algebra to change-algebra₍_₎
    ; before to before₍_₎
    ; after to after₍_₎

infixl 6 update′ diff′

update′ = Family.update
syntax update′ x v dv = v ⊞₍ x ₎ dv

diff′ = Family.diff
syntax diff′ x u v = u ⊟₍ x ₎ v

-- Derivatives
-- ===========
-- This corresponds to Def. 2.4 in the paper.

Derivative :  {a b c d} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} 
  {{CA : ChangeAlgebra c A}} 
  {{CB : ChangeAlgebra d B}} 
  (f : A  B) 
  (df : (a : A) (da : Δ a)  Δ (f a)) 
  Set (a  b  c)
Derivative f df =  a da  f a  df a da  f (a  da)

-- This is a variant of Derivative for change algebra families.
Derivative₍_,_₎ :  {a b p q c d} {A : Set a} {B : Set b} {P : A  Set p} {Q : B  Set q} 
  {{CP : ChangeAlgebraFamily c P}} 
  {{CQ : ChangeAlgebraFamily d Q}} 
  (x : A) 
  (y : B) 
  (f : P x  Q y) 
  (df : (px : P x) (dpx : Δ₍ x  px)  Δ₍ y  (f px)) 
  Set (p  q  c)
Derivative₍ x , y  f df = Derivative f df where
  CPx = change-algebra₍ x 
  CQy = change-algebra₍ y 

-- Abelian Groups Induce Change Algebras
-- =====================================
-- In the paper, as the first example for change structures after
-- Def. 2.1, we mention that "each abelian group ... induces a
-- change structure". This is the formalization of this result.
-- The module GroupChanges below takes a proof that A forms an
-- abelian group and provides a changeAlgebra for A. The proof of
-- Def 2.1e is by equational reasoning using the group axioms, in
-- the definition of changeAlgebra.isChangeAlgebra.update-diff.

open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Product
open import Function

module GroupChanges
    {a} (A : Set a) {_⊕_} {ε} {_⁻¹}
    {{isAbelianGroup : IsAbelianGroup {A = A} _≡_ _⊕_ ε _⁻¹}}
    open IsAbelianGroup isAbelianGroup
        ( refl
        ( _-_ to _⊝_
        ; ∙-cong to _⟨⊕⟩_

    open ≡-Reasoning

    changeAlgebra : ChangeAlgebra a A
    changeAlgebra = record
      { Change = const A
      ; update = _⊕_
      ; diff = _⊝_
      ; isChangeAlgebra = record
        { update-diff = λ u v 
              v  (u  v)
            ≡⟨ comm _ _ 
              (u  v )  v
              (u  (v ⁻¹))  v
            ≡⟨ assoc _ _ _ 
              u  ((v ⁻¹)  v)
            ≡⟨  refl ⟨⊕⟩ proj₁ inverse v  
              u  ε
            ≡⟨  proj₂ identity u 

-- Function Changes
-- ================
-- This is one of our most important results: Change structures
-- can be lifted to function spaces. We formalize this as a module
-- FunctionChanges that takes the change algebras for A and B as
-- arguments, and provides a changeAlgebra for (A → B). The proofs
-- are by equational reasoning using 2.1e for A and B.

module FunctionChanges
    {a} {b} {c} {d} (A : Set a) (B : Set b) {{CA : ChangeAlgebra c A}} {{CB : ChangeAlgebra d B}}
    -- This corresponds to Definition 2.5 in the paper.
    record FunctionChange (f : A  B) : Set (a  b  c  d) where
        -- Definition 2.5a
        apply : (a : A) (da : Δ a) 
          Δ (f a)

        -- Definition 2.5b.
        -- (for some reason, the version in the paper has the arguments of ≡
        -- flipped. Since ≡ is symmetric, this doesn't matter).
        correct : (a : A) (da : Δ a) 
          f (a  da)  apply (a  da) (nil (a  da))  f a  apply a da

    open FunctionChange
    open ≡-Reasoning
    open import Postulate.Extensionality

    changeAlgebra : ChangeAlgebra (a  b  c  d) (A  B)
    changeAlgebra = record
      { Change = FunctionChange
        -- in the paper, update and diff below are in Def. 2.6
      ; update = λ f df a  f a  apply df a (nil a)
      ; diff = λ g f  record
        { apply = λ a da  g (a  da)  f a
          -- the proof of correct is the first half of what we
          -- have to prove for Theorem 2.7.
        ; correct = λ a da 
            f (a  da)  (g ((a  da)  nil (a  da))  f (a  da))
          ≡⟨ cong    f (a  da)  (g   f (a  da)))
               (update-nil (a  da)) 
            f (a  da)  (g (a  da)  f (a  da))
          ≡⟨ update-diff (g (a  da)) (f (a  da)) 
            g (a  da)
          ≡⟨ sym (update-diff (g (a  da)) (f a)) 
            f a  (g (a  da)  f a)
      ; isChangeAlgebra = record
          -- the proof of update-diff is the second half of what
          -- we have to prove for Theorem 2.7.
        { update-diff = λ g f  ext  a 
            f a  (g (a  nil a)  f a)
          ≡⟨ cong    f a  (g   f a)) (update-nil a) 
            f a  (g a  f a)
          ≡⟨ update-diff (g a) (f a) 
            g a

    -- This is Lemma 2.8 in the paper.
    incrementalization :  (f : A  B) df a da 
      (f  df) (a  da)  f a  apply df a da
    incrementalization f df a da = correct df a da

    -- This is Theorem 2.9 in the paper.
    nil-is-derivative :  (f : A  B) 
      Derivative f (apply (nil f))
    nil-is-derivative f a da =
        f a  apply (nil f) a da
      ≡⟨ sym (incrementalization f (nil f) a da) 
        (f  nil f) (a  da)
      ≡⟨ cong     (a  da))
           (update-nil f) 
        f (a  da)

-- List (== Environment) Changes
-- =============================
-- Here, we define a change structure on environments, given a
-- change structure on the values in the environments. In the
-- paper, we describe this in Definition 3.5. But note that this
-- Agda formalization uses de Bruijn indices instead of names, so
-- environments are just lists. Therefore, when we use Definition
-- 3.5 in the paper, in this formalization, we use the list-like
-- change structure defined here.

open import Data.List
open import Data.List.All

data All′ {a p q} {A : Set a}
    {P : A  Set p}
    (Q : {x : A}  P x  Set q)
  : {xs : List A} (pxs : All P xs)  Set (p  q  a) where
    []  : All′ Q []
    _∷_ :  {x xs} {px : P x} {pxs : All P xs} (qx : Q px) (qxs : All′ Q pxs)  All′ Q (px  pxs)

module ListChanges
    {a} {c} {A : Set a} (P : A  Set) {{C : ChangeAlgebraFamily c P}}
    update-all :  {xs}  (pxs : All P xs)  All′ (Δ₍ _ ) pxs  All P xs
    update-all {[]} [] [] = []
    update-all {x  xs} (px  pxs) (dpx  dpxs) = (px ⊞₍ x  dpx)  update-all pxs dpxs

    diff-all :  {xs}  (pxs′ pxs : All P xs)  All′ (Δ₍ _ ) pxs
    diff-all [] [] = []
    diff-all (px′  pxs′) (px  pxs) = (px′ ⊟₍ _  px)  diff-all pxs′ pxs

    update-diff-all :  {xs}  (pxs′ pxs : All P xs)  update-all pxs (diff-all pxs′ pxs)  pxs′
    update-diff-all [] [] = refl
    update-diff-all (px′  pxs′) (px  pxs) = cong₂ _∷_ (update-diff₍ _  px′ px) (update-diff-all pxs′ pxs)

    changeAlgebra : ChangeAlgebraFamily (c  a) (All P)
    changeAlgebra = record
      { change-algebra = λ xs  record
        { Change = All′ Δ₍ _ 
        ; update = update-all
        ; diff = diff-all
        ; isChangeAlgebra = record
          { update-diff = update-diff-all