-- Values for standard evaluation (Def. 3.1 and 3.2, Fig. 4c and 4f).

import Parametric.Syntax.Type as Type

module Parametric.Denotation.Value
    (Base : Type.Structure)

open import Base.Denotation.Notation

open Type.Structure Base

-- Extension point: Values for base types.
Structure : Set₁
Structure = Base  Set

module Structure (⟦_⟧Base : Structure) where
  -- We provide: Values for arbitrary types.
  ⟦_⟧Type : Type -> Set
   base ι ⟧Type =  ι ⟧Base
   σ  τ ⟧Type =  σ ⟧Type   τ ⟧Type

  -- This means: Overload ⟦_⟧ to mean ⟦_⟧Type.
  meaningOfType : Meaning Type
  meaningOfType = meaning ⟦_⟧Type

  -- We also provide: Environments of such values.
  open import Base.Denotation.Environment Type ⟦_⟧Type public