-- Bags with negative multiplicities, for Nehemiah.
-- Instead of implementing bags (with negative multiplicities,
-- like in the paper) in Agda, we postulate that a group of such
-- bags exist. Note that integer bags with integer multiplicities
-- are actually the free group given a singleton operation
-- `Integer -> Bag`, so this should be easy to formalize in
-- principle.
module Postulate.Bag-Nehemiah where

-- Postulates about bags of integers, version Nehemiah
-- This module postulates bags of integers with negative
-- multiplicities as a group under additive union.

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Integer

-- postulate Bag as an abelion group
postulate Bag : Set
-- singleton
postulate singletonBag :   Bag
-- union
postulate _++_ : Bag  Bag  Bag
infixr 5 _++_
-- negate = mapMultiplicities (λ z → - z)
postulate negateBag : Bag  Bag
postulate emptyBag : Bag
postulate abelian-bag : IsAbelianGroup _≡_ _++_ emptyBag negateBag

-- Naming convention follows Algebra.Morphism
-- Homomorphic₁ : morphism preserves negation
Homomorphic₁ :
  {A B : Set} (f : A  B) (negA : A  A) (negB : B  B)  Set
Homomorphic₁ {A} {B} f negA negB =  {x}  f (negA x)  negB (f x)

-- Homomorphic₂ : morphism preserves binary operation.
Homomorphic₂ :
  {A B : Set} (f : A  B) (_+_ : A  A  A) (_*_ : B  B  B)  Set
Homomorphic₂ {A} {B} f _+_ _*_ =  {x y}  f (x + y)  f x * f y

-- postulate map, flatmap and sum to be homomorphisms
postulate mapBag : (f :   ) (b : Bag)  Bag
postulate flatmapBag : (f :   Bag) (b : Bag)  Bag
postulate sumBag : Bag  
postulate homo-map :  {f}  Homomorphic₂ (mapBag f) _++_ _++_
postulate homo-flatmap :  {f}  Homomorphic₂ (flatmapBag f) _++_ _++_
postulate homo-sum : Homomorphic₂ sumBag _++_ _+_
postulate neg-map :  {f}  Homomorphic₁ (mapBag f) negateBag negateBag
postulate neg-flatmap :  {f}  Homomorphic₁ (flatmapBag f) negateBag negateBag