-- The syntax of function types (Fig. 1a).

module Parametric.Syntax.Type where

-- This is a module in the Parametric.* hierarchy, so it defines
-- an extension point for plugins. In this case, the plugin can
-- choose the syntax for data types. We always provide a binding
-- called "Structure" that defines the type of the value that has
-- to be provided by the plugin. In this case, the plugin has to
-- provide a type, so we say "Structure = Set".

Structure : Set₁
Structure = Set

-- Here is the parametric module that defines the syntax of
-- simply types in terms of the syntax of base types. In the
-- Parametric.* hierarchy, we always call these parametric
-- modules "Structure". Note that in Agda, there is a separate
-- namespace for module names and for other bindings, so this
-- doesn't clash with the "Structure" above.
-- The idea behind all these structures is that the parametric
-- module lifts some structure of the plugin to the corresponding
-- structure in the full language. In this case, we lift the
-- structure of base types to the structure of simple types.
-- Maybe not the best choice of names, but it seemed clever at
-- the time.

module Structure (Base : Structure) where
  infixr 5 _⇒_

  -- A simple type is either a base type or a function types.
  -- Note that we can use our module parameter "Base" here just
  -- like any other type.
  data Type : Set where
    base : (ι : Base)  Type
    _⇒_ : (σ : Type)  (τ : Type)  Type

  -- We also provide the definitions of contexts of the newly
  -- defined simple types, variables as de Bruijn indices
  -- pointing into such a context, and sets of bound variables.
  open import Base.Syntax.Context Type public
  open import Base.Syntax.Vars Type public

  -- Internalize a context to a type.
  -- Is there a better name for this function?
  internalizeContext : (Σ : Context) (τ′ : Type)  Type
  internalizeContext  τ′ = τ′
  internalizeContext (τ  Σ) τ′ = τ  internalizeContext Σ τ′