-- Bags of integers, for Nehemiah plugin.
-- This module imports postulates about bags of integers
-- with negative multiplicities as a group under additive union.

module Structure.Bag.Nehemiah where

open import Postulate.Bag-Nehemiah public

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Algebra using (CommutativeRing)
open import Algebra.Structures
open import Data.Integer
import Data.Integer.Properties
  renaming (commutativeRing to ℤ-is-commutativeRing)
open Data.Integer.Properties using (ℤ-is-commutativeRing)
open import Data.Product

infixl 9 _\\_ -- same as Data.Map.(\\)
_\\_ : Bag  Bag  Bag
d \\ b = d ++ (negateBag b)

-- Useful properties of abelian groups
commutative :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (m n : A)  f m n  f n m
commutative = IsAbelianGroup.comm

associative :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (k m n : A)  f (f k m) n  f k (f m n)
associative abelian = IsSemigroup.assoc (IsMonoid.isSemigroup
  (IsGroup.isMonoid (IsAbelianGroup.isGroup abelian)))

left-inverse :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (n : A)  f (neg n) n  z
left-inverse abelian = proj₁
  (IsGroup.inverse (IsAbelianGroup.isGroup abelian))
right-inverse :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (n : A)  f n (neg n)  z
right-inverse abelian = proj₂
  (IsGroup.inverse (IsAbelianGroup.isGroup abelian))

left-identity :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (n : A)  f z n  n
left-identity abelian = proj₁ (IsMonoid.identity
  (IsGroup.isMonoid (IsAbelianGroup.isGroup abelian)))
right-identity :  {A : Set} {f : A  A  A} {z neg} 
  IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg  (n : A)  f n z  n
right-identity abelian = proj₂ (IsMonoid.identity
  (IsGroup.isMonoid (IsAbelianGroup.isGroup abelian)))

abelian-int : IsAbelianGroup _≡_ _+_ (+ 0) -_
abelian-int =
commutative-int : (m n : )  m + n  n + m
commutative-int = commutative abelian-int
associative-int : (k m n : )  (k + m) + n  k + (m + n)
associative-int = associative abelian-int
right-inv-int : (n : )  n - n  + 0
right-inv-int = right-inverse abelian-int
left-id-int : (n : )  (+ 0) + n  n
left-id-int = left-identity abelian-int
right-id-int : (n : )  n + (+ 0)  n
right-id-int = right-identity abelian-int

commutative-bag : (a b : Bag)  a ++ b  b ++ a
commutative-bag = commutative abelian-bag
associative-bag : (a b c : Bag)  (a ++ b) ++ c  a ++ (b ++ c)
associative-bag = associative abelian-bag
right-inv-bag : (b : Bag)  b \\ b  emptyBag
right-inv-bag = right-inverse abelian-bag
left-id-bag : (b : Bag)  emptyBag ++ b  b
left-id-bag = left-identity abelian-bag
right-id-bag : (b : Bag)  b ++ emptyBag  b
right-id-bag = right-identity abelian-bag