-- Standard evaluation with the Nehemiah plugin.

module Nehemiah.Denotation.Evaluation where

open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Type
open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Term
open import Nehemiah.Denotation.Value

open import Data.Integer
open import Structure.Bag.Nehemiah

import Parametric.Denotation.Evaluation Const ⟦_⟧Base as Evaluation

⟦_⟧Const : Evaluation.Structure
 intlit-const n ⟧Const  = n
 add-const ⟧Const (m  n  ) = m + n
 minus-const ⟧Const (n  ) = - n
 empty-const ⟧Const  = emptyBag
 insert-const ⟧Const (n  b  ) = singletonBag n ++ b
 union-const ⟧Const (b₁  b₂  ) = b₁ ++ b₂
 negate-const ⟧Const (b  ) = negateBag b
 flatmap-const ⟧Const (f  b  ) = flatmapBag f b
 sum-const ⟧Const (b  ) = sumBag b

open Evaluation.Structure ⟦_⟧Const public