-- About the group structure of integers and bags for Nehemiah plugin.

module Theorem.Groups-Nehemiah where

open import Structure.Bag.Nehemiah public

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Integer
open import Algebra.Structures

n+[m-n]=m :  {n m}  n + (m - n)  m
n+[m-n]=m {n} {m} =
    n + (m - n)
  ≡⟨ cong  hole  n + hole) (commutative-int m (- n)) 
    n + (- n + m)
  ≡⟨ sym (associative-int n (- n) m) 
    (n - n) + m
  ≡⟨ cong  hole  hole + m) (right-inv-int n) 
    (+ 0) + m
  ≡⟨ left-id-int m 
   where open ≡-Reasoning

a++[b\\a]=b :  {a b}  a ++ (b \\ a)  b
a++[b\\a]=b {b} {d} = trans
  (cong  hole  b ++ hole) (commutative-bag d (negateBag b))) (trans
  (sym (associative-bag b (negateBag b) d)) (trans
  (cong  hole  hole ++ d) (right-inv-bag b))
  (left-id-bag d)))

4-way-shuffle :  {A : Set} {f neg} {z a b c d : A}
  {{abelian : IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg}} 
  f (f a b) (f c d)  f (f a c) (f b d)
4-way-shuffle {f = f} {z = z} {a} {b} {c} {d} {{abelian}} =
    assoc = associative abelian
    cmute = commutative abelian
      f (f a b) (f c d)
    ≡⟨ assoc a b (f c d) 
      f a (f b (f c d))
    ≡⟨ cong (f a) (sym (assoc b c d)) 
      f a (f (f b c) d)
    ≡⟨ cong  hole  f a (f hole d)) (cmute b c) 
      f a (f (f c b) d)
    ≡⟨ cong (f a) (assoc c b d) 
      f a (f c (f b d))
    ≡⟨ sym (assoc a c (f b d)) 
      f (f a c) (f b d)
     where open ≡-Reasoning

ab·cd=ac·bd :  {a b c d : Bag} 
  (a ++ b) ++ (c ++ d)  (a ++ c) ++ (b ++ d)
ab·cd=ac·bd {a} {b} {c} {d} =
  4-way-shuffle {a = a} {b} {c} {d} {{abelian-bag}}

mn·pq=mp·nq :  {m n p q : } 
  (m + n) + (p + q)  (m + p) + (n + q)
mn·pq=mp·nq {m} {n} {p} {q} =
  4-way-shuffle {a = m} {n} {p} {q} {{abelian-int}}

inverse-unique :  {A : Set} {f neg} {z a b : A}
  {{abelian : IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg}} 
  f a b  z  b  neg a

inverse-unique {f = f} {neg} {z} {a} {b} {{abelian}} ab=z =
    assoc = associative abelian
    cmute = commutative abelian
    ≡⟨ sym (left-identity abelian b) 
      f z b
    ≡⟨ cong  hole  f hole b) (sym (left-inverse abelian a)) 
      f (f (neg a) a) b
    ≡⟨ assoc (neg a) a b 
      f (neg a) (f a b)
    ≡⟨ cong (f (neg a)) ab=z 
      f (neg a) z
    ≡⟨ right-identity abelian (neg a) 
      neg a
      open ≡-Reasoning
      eq1 : f (neg a) (f a b)  f (neg a) z
      eq1 rewrite ab=z = cong (f (neg a)) refl

distribute-neg :  {A : Set} {f neg} {z a b : A}
  {{abelian : IsAbelianGroup _≡_ f z neg}} 
  f (neg a) (neg b)  neg (f a b)
distribute-neg {f = f} {neg} {z} {a} {b} {{abelian}} = inverse-unique
    f (f a b) (f (neg a) (neg b))
  ≡⟨ 4-way-shuffle {{abelian}} 
    f (f a (neg a)) (f b (neg b))
  ≡⟨ cong₂ f (inverse a) (inverse b) 
    f z z
  ≡⟨ left-identity abelian z 
  ) where
     open ≡-Reasoning
     inverse = right-inverse abelian

-a·-b=-ab :  {a b : Bag} 
  negateBag a ++ negateBag b  negateBag (a ++ b)
-a·-b=-ab {a} {b} = distribute-neg {a = a} {b} {{abelian-bag}}

-m·-n=-mn :  {m n : } 
  (- m) + (- n)  - (m + n)
-m·-n=-mn {m} {n} = distribute-neg {a = m} {n} {{abelian-int}}

[a++b]\\a=b :  {a b}  (a ++ b) \\ a  b
[a++b]\\a=b {b} {d} =
    (b ++ d) \\ b
  ≡⟨ cong  hole  hole \\ b) (commutative-bag b d) 
    (d ++ b) \\ b
  ≡⟨ associative-bag d b (negateBag b) 
    d ++ (b \\ b)
  ≡⟨ cong (_++_ d) (right-inv-bag b) 
    d ++ emptyBag
  ≡⟨ right-id-bag d 
   where open ≡-Reasoning