-- Change evaluation with the Nehemiah plugin.

module Nehemiah.Change.Specification where

open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Type
open import Nehemiah.Syntax.Term
open import Nehemiah.Denotation.Value
open import Nehemiah.Denotation.Evaluation
open import Nehemiah.Change.Validity

open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Integer
open import Theorem.Groups-Nehemiah

import Parametric.Change.Specification
  Const ⟦_⟧Base ⟦_⟧Const change-algebra-base-family as Specification

  ⟦_⟧ΔConst :  {Σ τ}  (c  : Const Σ τ) (ρ :  Σ )  Δ₍ Σ  ρ  Δ₍ τ  ( c ⟧Const ρ)
   intlit-const n ⟧ΔConst   = + 0
   add-const ⟧ΔConst (n₁  n₂  ) (dn₁  dn₂  ) = dn₁ + dn₂
   minus-const ⟧ΔConst (n  ) (dn  ) = - dn
   empty-const ⟧ΔConst   = emptyBag
   insert-const ⟧ΔConst (n  b  ) (dn  db  ) =
      (singletonBag (n + dn) ++ (b ++ db)) \\ (singletonBag n ++ b)
   union-const ⟧ΔConst (b₁  b₂  ) (db₁  db₂  ) = db₁ ++ db₂
   negate-const ⟧ΔConst (b  ) (db  ) = negateBag db
   flatmap-const ⟧ΔConst (f  b  ) (df  db  ) =
      flatmapBag (f ⊞₍ int  bag  df) (b ++ db) \\ flatmapBag f b
   sum-const ⟧ΔConst (b  ) (db  ) = sumBag db

  correctness-const :  {Σ τ} (c : Const Σ τ) 
    Derivative₍ Σ , τ   c ⟧Const  c ⟧ΔConst
  correctness-const (intlit-const n)   = right-id-int n
  correctness-const add-const (n₁  n₂  ) (dn₁  dn₂  ) =
    mn·pq=mp·nq {n₁} {n₂} {dn₁} {dn₂}
  correctness-const minus-const (n  ) (dn  ) = -m·-n=-mn {n} {dn}
  correctness-const empty-const   = right-id-bag emptyBag
  correctness-const insert-const (n  b  ) (dn  db  ) = a++[b\\a]=b
  correctness-const union-const (b₁  b₂  ) (db₁  db₂  ) = ab·cd=ac·bd
  correctness-const negate-const (b  ) (db  ) = -a·-b=-ab
  correctness-const flatmap-const (f  b  ) (df  db  ) = a++[b\\a]=b
  correctness-const sum-const (b  ) (db  ) = sym homo-sum

specification-structure : Specification.Structure
specification-structure = record
    { ⟦_⟧ΔConst = ⟦_⟧ΔConst
    ; correctness-const = correctness-const

open Specification.Structure specification-structure public