-- All modules of the formalization.
-- This file is automatically generated by GenerateEverythingIlc.hs.

module Everything where

-- Change Structures.
-- This module defines the notion of change structures,
-- as well as change structures for groups, functions and lists.
-- This module corresponds to Section 2 of the PLDI paper.
import Base.Change.Algebra

-- Change contexts
-- This module specifies how a context of values is merged
-- together with the corresponding context of changes.
-- In the PLDI paper, instead of merging the contexts together, we just
-- concatenate them. For example, in the "typing rule" for Derive
-- in Sec. 3.2 of the paper, we write in the conclusion of the rule:
-- "Γ, ΔΓ ⊢ Derive(t) : Δτ". Simple concatenation is possible because
-- the paper uses named variables and assumes that no user variables
-- start with "d". In this formalization, we use de Bruijn indices, so
-- it is easier to alternate values and their changes in the context.
import Base.Change.Context

-- Reexport Data.List.All from the standard library.
-- At one point, we reinvented Data.List.All from the Agda
-- standard library, under the name dependent list. We later
-- replaced our reinvention by this adapter module that just
-- exports the standard library's version with partly different
-- names.
import Base.Data.DependentList

-- Environments
-- This module defines the meaning of contexts, that is,
-- the type of environments that fit a context, together
-- with operations and properties of these operations.
-- This module is parametric in the syntax and semantics
-- of types, so it can be reused for different calculi
-- and models.
import Base.Denotation.Environment

-- Overloading ⟦_⟧ notation
-- This module defines a general mechanism for overloading the
-- ⟦_⟧ notation, using Agda’s instance arguments.
import Base.Denotation.Notation

-- Variables and contexts
-- This module defines the syntax of contexts, prefixes of
-- contexts and variables and properties of these notions.
-- This module is parametric in the syntax of types, so it
-- can be reused for different calculi.
import Base.Syntax.Context

-- Sets of variables
import Base.Syntax.Vars

-- Correctness of differentiation with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Correctness

-- Incrementalization as term-to-term transformation with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Derive

-- Connecting Nehemiah.Change.Term and Nehemiah.Change.Value.
import Nehemiah.Change.Evaluation

-- Logical relation for erasure with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Implementation

-- Change evaluation with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Specification

-- Terms that operate on changes with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Term

-- Simply-typed changes with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Type

-- Dependently typed changes with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Change.Validity

-- The values of terms in Nehemiah.Change.Term.
import Nehemiah.Change.Value

-- Standard evaluation with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Denotation.Evaluation

-- Values for standard evaluation with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Denotation.Value

-- The syntax of terms with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Syntax.Term

-- The syntax of types with the Nehemiah plugin.
import Nehemiah.Syntax.Type

import PLDI14-List-of-Theorems

-- Correctness of differentiation (Lemma 3.10 and Theorem 3.11).
import Parametric.Change.Correctness

-- Incrementalization as term-to-term transformation (Fig. 4g).
import Parametric.Change.Derive

-- Connecting Parametric.Change.Term and Parametric.Change.Value.
import Parametric.Change.Evaluation

-- Logical relation for erasure (Def. 3.8 and Lemma 3.9)
import Parametric.Change.Implementation

-- Change evaluation (Def 3.6 and Fig. 4h).
import Parametric.Change.Specification

-- Terms that operate on changes (Fig. 3).
import Parametric.Change.Term

-- Simply-typed changes (Fig. 3 and Fig. 4d)
import Parametric.Change.Type

-- Dependently typed changes (Def 3.4 and 3.5, Fig. 4b and 4e)
import Parametric.Change.Validity

-- The values of terms in Parametric.Change.Term.
import Parametric.Change.Value

-- Standard evaluation (Def. 3.3 and Fig. 4i)
import Parametric.Denotation.Evaluation

-- Values for standard evaluation (Def. 3.1 and 3.2, Fig. 4c and 4f).
import Parametric.Denotation.Value

-- The syntax of terms (Fig. 1a and 1b).
import Parametric.Syntax.Term

-- The syntax of function types (Fig. 1a).
import Parametric.Syntax.Type

import Postulate.Bag-Nehemiah

-- Postulate extensionality of functions.
-- Justification on Agda mailing list:
-- http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.agda/2343
import Postulate.Extensionality

-- Bags of integers, for Nehemiah plugin.
-- This module imports postulates about bags of integers
-- with negative multiplicities as a group under additive union.
import Structure.Bag.Nehemiah

-- Congruence of application.
-- If f ≡ g and x ≡ y, then (f x) ≡ (g y).
import Theorem.CongApp

-- About the group structure of integers and bags for Nehemiah plugin.
import Theorem.Groups-Nehemiah